Just My Luck

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Every now and then, I'd lay on my bed and look at the ceiling to clear my head. The designs on the ceiling would scatter in my mind and make random objects like the animals you see in the clouds.

The forms went from fluffy animals to baby pig faces. Then those thoughts came crashing in again.

"What does Kian wanna ask me?! What is he going to say?" I stressed to myself. Right about now I felt like pulling out my hair, but I just needed to think of something to distract myself.

"Hey, Queenie. Wanna go roller skating with me? It's nice outside today ,so we can go to the beach!" Jae smiled, already holding her skates.

"Um... Sure!" I replied, grinning as if I'm perfectly fine.


Since we were close to the west coast of California, the beach was really close. The weather was also perfect, considering it was a scorching 84 degrees outside, so we decided to skate there.

"Are you ready, Queenie? It's been about an hour already!" Jae whined, knocking harder on the straw hut changing room.

"Wait one minute. I'll be just out." I said, pulling up my shorts over my lime green bikini bottoms.

"Okay! I'm ready now." I smiled, giving Jae a thumbs up when I stepped out. She immediately started observing what I was wearing before nodding her head and walking off in front of me.

Eager to do something fun, I followed behind her, hoping that she was about to start roller skating soon. Once I glanced over at her I noticed that she had a look on her face - a look that I usually get from her. The 'I know what you've been up to and I'm on to you' look.

"What's up? I know that look anywhere." I started off while wiggling my eyebrows at her.

'Why did you say that? Maybe that was just another one of her weirdo faces that she makes at random people! You just had to open your big mouth. Now she'll be on to you, stupid!" My brain ranted.

Shoot! My brain was right! I had no idea as to how I was going to keep this going.

"Oh nothing. Just loving the view today." She smiled while watching the scenery that surrounded us.

That feeling of relief quickly escaped my guts as I thought that I was in the clear for the moment.

"Oh yeah... That thing from last night!" She started again, flushing my body with worry. "What we're you and Mr. Kian doing last night?"

I swallowed my last bit of guilt before pouring everything out to my sister, "Well last night Kian and I we're talking till we kissed each other goodnight, but then he said he wanted to ask me something today and I don't know what he wants to ask. So that's why I came with you today to go skating cuz I really wanted to get my mind off of that. It's really stressing me out cuz I don't know if it's something serious or not." I sped talked like there was no tomorrow.

"Wow! That's it?" She questioned, making a confused face as we sat down on a bench to put on our roller skates.

"Yeah, but I don't know if I should be worried or not. Do you think I should?" I asked while lacing up my second roller skate. I looked over at her to see her face brighten up as she watched my passed me.

'Is she even paying attention? She doesn't see that I'm having a teenage crisis here?!'

"Hello? Earth to Jae!" I snapped repeatedly in front of her face.

"Jc!" She shrieked, skating past me. Surprisingly, I turned to see the guys coming over towards us, riding their penny boards. That wicked feeling ran back into my body, shooting back those thoughts. Just my luck.

What a sister I have. By the time, I turned around to see everyone, Jae was already huggin' all over her boyfriend. "Thanks alot sis.." I said under my breath before painting on a fake smile and skating behind her to Kian.

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