Common Conversation

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I couldn't take it anymore! This whole decision making thing was driving me crazy!

'Please ,God! Make me think this thing through so I make the right decision.'

If I chose to go with Kian I risk running into that jerk face, David. But if I stay here and not go at all, I'm totally safe. Here's the thing: I just need to get my mind off of this.

"Oh yeah! That thing... With Sam! That'll be perfect!" I suggested, pulling up my phone.

'Hey Sam :)'

'Hey there Queenie :D'

'Remember that thing we scheduled? At the party?'

'Oh yeah! Getting our ears pierced together.... Why?'

'Wanna do it now? Like soon...'

'Um... Okay :) yeah! I'm free right now. I'll pick you up'

'Great! See u then :3'

Okay. This is a wonderful start. I guess I'll just get ready for Sam to arrive. I carelessly threw my phone on my bed before hopping into the shower. When I was done I slapped on coral high waist shorts, a white knitted crop top and a pair of brown wedges. Before I knew it, Sam was outside the front door knocking for me to come out.

"Okay, Jae. I'm about to go out with Sam. I'll be back at around 9 or so." I said as I came downstairs to see her watching tv on the couch.

"Why?" She replied, turning to look at me.

"Nothing. Just gonna hang." I shrugged.

"Okay. Whatever." She said as if she didn't care, looking back to her show.

I opened the door to see Sam smiling and casually dressed. I quickly pasted on a friendly smile, "Hey, Sam." I smiled then dropped it. Sam must've caught that cuz he dropped his smile as well. Suddenly, he grabbed me in for a tight, uncomfortable 'it's okay' hug.

"What's wrong, Queenie?" He asked, rubbing my back and caressing my head into his shoulder. Things we're so difficult right now; I couldn't help but hug him back, tears bubbling inside me.

"I don't know, Sam. I really don't know. Actually, I think it'll be better if I just try not to think or talk about it." I answered while pulling away.

"Ready to go?" I changed the subject, walking to the end of the walkway that led to the front door.

Sam still had a worried look on his face, but he changed it as soon as I noticed. "Yeah. Let's go!" He smiled, following behind.

The streets were empty and quiet as I carefully watched up and down for the transportation. "Sam? Where's your car?" I asked, completely puzzled.

"Oh yeah. Kian dropped me off. And.... He's coming back around to pick us back up and drop us off." Sam smiled, looking down at his watch and back to the street.

Time quickly came to a halt as the words Sam just said replayed in my head again and again, "Oh... That's convenient." I managed to say.

Soon I was pacing back and forth, my feet shifting from one to the other and clenching my fists so they wouldn't tremble as much. My heart was racing faster than a bullet train and I didn't know what I would possibly do next.

'How was I going to approach Kian with this whole thing?'

"Hey, babe! Hop in!" Called Kian from his car, scaring me half to death.

"Sorry I'm just now getting here. There was a hell of a line down at Starbucks." He laughed a bit before handing me then Sam a cup.

"Oh, no problem. It's fine." I nervously replied. Kian stretched over from his seat to try to kiss me and at first I was a bit hesitant for some reason, but eventually I kissed him back.

The First Sight (A Kian Lawley Imagine)Where stories live. Discover now