Mystery Question

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The rippled full moon reflected off the wavy dark blue lake. I continued to rock in the bench, finding the creaking sound soothing. After nearly falling asleep, the chair stopped rocking and I looked to my right to see who it was- Ricky.

"Hey you." He rested one arm on the back of the bench and the other on the handrest.

"Hey, Ricky." I replied, my voice raspy and hurting from crying.

"I saw that genuine kiss." I laughed, wiping my face quickly.

"Haha. Who didn't?" He laughed along.

Ricky stared at me when I was back to watching my feet- sadness. Knowing him, he definitely saw thru me.

"What happened? You're crying." Ricky said, worried.

He crossed his legs on the bench and put his chin in his hands before I started explaining," Kian was going to ask me something. I don't know what it was going to be. Then Sam came up to us with-" I choked to say that *let me call her by her name* name.

"Steph-ani. Once she came she asked Kian something and he said 'sure'. Before i know it, the situation went from piercings to kissing." I shook my head, facing Ricky for a quick second.

As if on perfect timing, Kian popped up out of nowhere.

"Hey. There you are. I've been looking all over for you." He smiled, holding himself up on his knees. He was expecting for me to smile in return, but when I didn't and just kept quiet, his face turned straight again.

"Um... Ricky? Do you mind if I talk to her for a minute?" He asked.

Before answering and walking away, he winked at me and mouthed 'everything was going to be fine'.

I now knew that I could trust him, knowing that I told him the whole David story. I smiled back at him before slowly turning my head to watch Kian.

"Look, I could totally explain what happened." He started.

"Ok then. Explain." I leaned back into the bench, awaiting what he had to say.

"It wasn't my fault. I promise." He continued.

"So it wasn't your fault kissing her back, either, right?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"But I didn't-" he was lost for words.

That feeling of tears starting in my stomach came back. It was about to erupt out of me, obviously stronger than me as I tried to keep it in.

"But did you stop her ,though?" I pointed.

Kian's mouth was open, barely anything coming from it.

"Exactly. That's what I thought." I said, getting up and brushing the dust and leaves off the back of my dress.

Kian softly grabbed my wrists, preventing me from going anywhere,"Just let me explain. I said I'm sorry. Just hear me out. Please."

He pulled me back down to sit near him, before trying to explain again. I pulled away before folding my arms and listening again.

"Stephani- my ex- I wanted to tell you about her, but didn't want to upset you. Things we're going perfect so far. Ever since I layed eyes on you, I automatically fell in love. You we're different." He began, making things all make sense now.

That feeling of guilt swarmed around my stomach for everything that happened.

"Anyways, Stephani and I dated for a couple months until she cheated on me with my friend, Tyler." He informed, rocking the bench softly.

"So what did she ask you when we we're talking that you left me?" I asked, making myself comfortable ,getting interested in all this information.

"She said that we had  to talk- that it was very urgent." He said, emphasizing 'had'.

"What did she ask you?" I questioned.

"To be honest, she was talking about you." He confessed.

"Then why were you smiling?!" I raised my voice a bit.

"Hey hey hey. Let me finish my sentence." He began laughing.

"She was talking about you ,but then she asked me why do I even like you. That's when I started smiling. I liked that she asked me that cuz I got to list everything I loved about you: your smile, your eyes, the way you blush every time I saw something to you..." He counted on his fingers.

"Really, I could go on forever." He shrugged.

"There! That's what I love about you. You're so cute when you blush." He smiled, noticing my blushing, making me blush more in embarrassment.

I hid my face in my hands, trying to hide my blushing. When I removed my hands, I got back serious,

"What about the whole spin the bottle thing?" I kept listing out my questions.

"I was hoping to get my spin so I can land it on you." He was now the one blushing, adorably I must add.

It felt as if my heart was drowning as I watched his face turn bright pink. 'Awwww! He's blushing?!'

"But then Stephani sat next to me and took my turn. Being the gentleman I am, I made it not bother me. That's when she took her spin, turned to me before it stopped and bit her lip. I was ignoring her as much as I could, but then she grabbed me. More like... Held me against my will." he said shaking his head, holding it between his hands.

I shook my head, consoling him. I now understood what was happening.

To put it simple, Stephani was what I knew she was: a good-for-nothing hoebag.

"Oh. Well I didn't know it was like that. I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions." I smiled, rubbing his shoulder.

He looked up to me, smiling in return,"Thanks." He looked back down, rubbing his shoe in the tall green grass.

"So.... What is it that you were gonna  ask me?" I removed my hand from his shoulder and snuggled them under my thighs.

"Huh?" He looked up, placing his elbow on the handrest and the other in lap.

"The party. You we're gonna ask me something back there. What was it?" I was eager to hear it.

"Oh yeah." He licked his lips and ran his fingers through his chocolate brown hair.

"Um... Will you be-" he rubbed the back of his head, obviously nervous. He started to rock the bench again, stalling with the mystery question.

'Why is he so nervous. He's never been nervous before. What's wrong with him?' I thought, raising an eyebrow.

I grinned, waiting for his question. The suspense killing me internally.

" girlfriend?" He rolled in his lips, smirking.

The First Sight (A Kian Lawley Imagine)Where stories live. Discover now