Stuff on My Head

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The scent of tofu, veggie bacon and veggie sausages scented the house. This was something awesome to wake up to after a whole day of being in my room. Slipping on my house slippers and my robe, I came downstairs to an island table full of delicious looking breakfast foods.

I didn't really feel like eating, though. Too much stuff was on my head. The sleep gave me a break from reality, but now I was back in it, forced to go through the awful day ahead.

"Morning!" Jae laughed, tending to the stove.

"How are you feeling?"

I just groaned the longest groan, "Awful." I answered, sitting at the dining table.

Jae put a plate of food on the table in front of me then sat across from me with her plate.

"Oh. Feeling down still, huh? Wanna do something to get your mind off of it? Jc and I were going to go swimming later." She offered.

"Eh.. I don't know, really. I think I'll just camp this one out at home." I smiled, putting food into my mouth.

"Are you sure? We wouldn't mind."

Seeing my sister like this was so nice. She was normally nice, but at times like these she would be the sweetest thing. I remember my last relationship that went downhill, she was there. No. I'm gonna stop. Let me not think about the past right now. That'll only make things worse.

"Haha. Yeah I'm sure. I'm gonna stay here and go on Tumblr. That always gets my head off things. Plus I don't wanna see my older sister and her boyfriend kissing and all that other coupley stuff while I'm right there." I laughed, getting a laugh from her too.

Once I was done with breakfast, I placed my plate in sink and went upstairs. I took a quick shower and put on my lazy day clothes, setting up for the rest of the day.


Posts of beautiful palm trees, cats, and text posts decorated my Tumblr dashboard. After I reblogged a couple random pictures that corresponded to my current mood, I went downstairs again.

Jc was at the door wearing a very revealing tank top with a pair of short khakis and a snapback hat holding a longboard in his left arm. My sister wore a pair of fringe high waisted shorts, a floral crop tee and an open plaid button up, smiling at the sight of her boyfriend.

"I was thinking that we could long board there." He grinned, holding up the long board.

"Like both of us.... On there... Together?" She pointed with confusion on her face.

Sometimes my sister didn't know how to live. She was always thinking into things before doing it, "Yeah! He does, wonderful sister of mine!" I answered for her, catching both their attention.

"Oh hey, you!" Jc greeted.

"Hey you!"

Jae gave me a look over, "You're wearing the lazy day clothes. So you're definitely staying home now."


"Oh. Okay then." She seemed a little disappointed.

"See you later then."

"Oh. Yeah, I talked to Kian and he said he was soo soo soo very sorry." Jc chipped in, emphasizing the end. Jc saying that kinda made me feel more mad, but in a way, kinda relieved.

"Ok. Cool." I said flatly. Inside, I felt like speaking my mind. Sweet, kind Jc didn't deserve to hear that.

Really, I didn't feel like saying it like it was just some other thing. What he said really did hurt me and... I really couldn't see myself being with him again. It was going to take something big, something different, in order for me to forgive him.

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