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After a whole afternoon of skating, playing volleyball, and other fun beach festivities, the day had to unfortunately come to an end. The day was going along so perfect- I just didn't want it to end so fast.


Now we we're all just warming up by a small, toasty fire and watching the sunset. The red orange sun slowly set behind the navy blue, rippling sea. The relaxing sound of the furious waves crashing against the rocks, calmed the beach go-ers.

"Thanks ,Kian." I smiled, cuddling more into his arms.

"You're very welcome." He replied, wrapping the blanket around me tighter. "But for what?"

"Today. I loved everything about it." I added, smiling from cheek to cheek.

Kian turned to me and smirked, "Really? Are you sure about that?" He asked, knowingly.

"Okay. Maybe not everything, but most of it. I loved everything else." I giggled a bit before Kian pulled me in closer to him.

"Hey! Picture? I wanna show everybody my beautiful girlfriend. I want the whole world to see!" Kian said out of nowhere.

"Sure. I guess." I shrugged.

Kian quickly grabbed his phone from his pocket and flipped the screen to face us. "Say taco bell!" He yelled, smiling and coming closer to me.

"Taco bell!!!"


Eventually, the day came to another sad ,but beautiful, end. We left the beach and its gorgeous sunset to go head home.

"Bye everyone!" I waved goodbye while exiting the car.

"Bye ,Queenie!" Everyone said in unison. "Bye ,babe." Kian winked, crawling from the back to quickly peck my cheek. "See you in a couple of days!"

"Okay. See you then." I smiled, going through my purse to find the keys. "Jae, you better get in or else I'll lock you outside and you'll have to stay with the guys tonight!" I yelled from inside the house, sure that my big sis will shoot out from the car.

I was so wrong.

"Leave me then! I wanna stay with my chubby wubby Justin." She snapped back, then started kissing Jc's face.

"Um.... I'm not chubby." He stated, pulling back from Jae.

"Okay ,but you're still my lovey dovey Justin pie." She pinched Jc's cheek, making his face light up red.

"Yeah I am."

I rolled my eyes before going inside and closing the door behind me.

'Well ,Queenie, at least we always keep the house clean. That's one less thing to worry about.'

I ran upstairs and plopped down on my bed, bored out of my mind. There literally wasn't anything to do. Well, except Flappy Bird. No. Those days are over.

"Maybe I could check up on instagram. Haven't done that in a while. Even though a while is like 2 hours." I suggested, pulling out my phone from my back pocket and scrolling to the instagram app.

"Boring. Boring. Way too much cleavage. Put a shirt on." I commented, scanning through the timeline.

"Oh what's this?" I said, stopping on a post that caught my eye. It was a post from David. I don't know why I still followed him and I had a feeling that I should just keep scrolling ,but instead I kept reading.

It was a picture of him surrounded by a bunch of other people that I barely recognized. The caption read:

' Hanging with @i_luvapplesauce @thesetoesain'tloyal @beautiful_ch33se at the mall :) they can't wait for the O2L tour to come. Gotta go with my sister tho #thestruggle '

My phone instantly dropped to the floor as I couldn't believe what I just read. Right away, I quickly ran downstairs, hearing Jae closing the door behind her. I couldn't help but run into her arms, spilling out every bit of details that I read, "Oh my gosh! I was just on imstagram and i saw a post from David and I was thinking about scrolling past it, but instead i read it and he said that him and some friends we're going to the tour! That means that we'll see him soon because I'm going on the tour and I don't want to see him cuz he'll probably come for me and that'll start some drama-" I jumbled all my words together, not even stopping for breath.

Jae stared back at me with frustration,"Queenie, don't worry, okay? Everything will be okay. We'll make sure that nothing happens to you. That a-hole won't get anywhere near you. We promise!" She tried to calm me down, bringing me in for a hug.

"Jae?" I looked up at her while I felt tears bundling in my eyes.


"I'm not sure if I want to go on the tour again. I just don't want to run into him again." I confessed while wiping my tears.

"What? Are you serious?!" She questioned, getting mad again and letting go of me.

"Kian is going to be so crushed if you say no all of the sudden."

"I know, but-" I said, stopping myself and thinking about Kian for a bit.

"But nothing, Queenie! You better think this over cuz Kian will probably never be the same! He's crazy for you and you're just gonna break him like that?! No!" Jae ranted, surprising the heck out of me.

"You better think this over, Queenie. And think it over good." She pointed at me before folding her arms and storming upstairs.

The First Sight (A Kian Lawley Imagine)Where stories live. Discover now