Total Craziness: Part 1

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Taken by total surprise, I pushed Sam back as hard as I can. After I did, he just stared at me as if I've done something wrong.

"What the hell, Sam?! What are you doing?" I shouted, raging with full on frustration and wiping my mouth with my arm.

Silence filled the moment. Matter as fact, it filled the whole restaurant. Everything and everyone was silent as they focused their attention on us.

Sam just started stammering while he stood up, "I - I don't know. I - I just really like you. I - I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that. I've always liked you." He confessed before reaching into kissing me again.

Everything continued to be silent until the door swished open. Just when I was clenching my hand to knock the lights out of him, the worst possible thing happened.

"Sam?! Queenie?!" I heard what sounded like Kian yell.

"Wha- what is this?!"

Before anything could progress, I punched Sam right in the face, sending him crashing into tables and chairs behind him. I turned around to see Kian looking madder than ever: his face was beet red, his fists balled tightly, his teeth clenched, his eyes focused on his target, and his ears were about to blow steam. It was definitely not a sight that anyone would like to see.

"Kian. It's not what you think! I promise!" I said, putting my arms out in front of me to keep him from freaking out. Unfortunately, the next thing I saw was him running past me. The scattered chairs and tables now had two fighting boys on them.

Correction: Kian attacking Sam's face while Sam quivered beneath him, keeping his hands out for protection.

He threw his fists out randomly and forcefully, striking Sam with each swing. I screamed for them to stop over and over again until I felt my throat ache and my voice shatter.

I ran over to them to attempt to break them apart, only to be pulled away by another random restaurant goer. Tears gushed from my eyes as I helplessly watched everything get worse.

Seeing that it needed to be stopped, two others pulled them apart. Kian kicked the air and tugged to get away, but they were too strong for him. Sam was now bloody and sitting in a broken looking chair trying to catch himself.

After many tries, Kian was finally able to pull away successfully. The guy holding me back noticed and let me go right after. Kian walked up to me with the coldest stare in his eyes. My stomach felt as if it had fallen a thousand stories.

"Why would you do this to me, Queenie? I can't believe you! And with my best f**king friend?! You're just like the others!" He spat, heavily breathing.

What he said hit me like a ton of bricks. I knew that this time, I definitely would've failed at trying to keep it in anything that was gurgling in me. "But, Kian! It's not what you think! I swear! He -" I started, getting shut up by Kian again.

"You don't have to explain anything to me! I knew that you liked him the whole time! Do you like Connor or Ricky also?! I see the way you look at them! I wouldn't be surprised if you did!" His words slapped me harder every time something new came out.

"You're. Just. Like. Stephani. You're a cheater just like her!"

Kian didn't even give me a chance to speak! How could he say something like that?

Why would he say something like that? He doesn't even get my side if the story but he goes off on me?!

I stared at him in total amazement. My tears had gotten the best of me and stated to slowly trickle from my eyes.

"We're over! Don't ever talk to me again! I don't want to see you, I don't want you calling me, I don't want you thinking about me - us! There's no more us! I hate your guts Kian Robert Lawley!"

Everything poured from my mouth as another tear streamed from my eye. It felt as if a 100 pound weight was taken off of me as I concluded those words.

Behind Kian I saw Sam now standing and observing what was going on. I gave him the darkest look I've ever given a soul right before I stormed past an onlooking crowd of cameras and phones.


My feet began to feel sleepy as I walked what seemed like the longest distance to a nearby gas station. A bus stop would've been ideal right now if I want going through what I've just been through. Instead, I called the first number that came to mind: Jae.

The phone rang a couple times. I waited until it came to the voicemail then hung up and tried again.

Come on. Jae. Please please answer.

Three rings had passed until she picked up, "Uh... Hello?" She said with a raspy voice. I could've told that she had just woken up.

Hearing her voice, I immediately started erupting into tears again, "Ja - Jae? Ca - can you plea - ple - please pick me up right now?" I wiped my eye and sniffed my nose.

Over the phone, I instantly heard her voice start to get more serious. I heard shuffling noises before she started again, "Queenie? What's wrong? What happened? What did Sam do?" She asked a million questions.

She continued blabbering away as I quietly weeped to myself. If I would've tried to answer those questions, I would've surely made a scene.

"Queenie I'm on my way to the car right now! I'm coming to get you so don't move!" Jae told me before hanging up the phone.

I wiped my eye one last time while I sat down on a random bench that was in the lot of the gas station near the road. Sitting there for a while, I began to feel the beautiful California weather today. I hadn't noticed it before and it really brightened up my mood. In no time, my tears were gone.

Waiting for my sister always took the longest time. I was watching my surroundings when a familiar car slowed down in the road ahead of me. The windows rolled down to a stop, showing that it was Kian.

Looking off into my surroundings again, I was hoping that he'll eventually go away. I didn't wasn't anything to do with him. Not after all that he said.

"Hey. Come on. You're not staying out here." He commanded, calmly.

"Who are you? You're not my boyfriend. You're not my father! Don't tell me what to do. Just leave." I hissed.

"Queenie. Don't be like that. Just come on. You're out here in this dangerous area. I don't want anything happening to you." He tried his best to persuade me, but it really and truly wasn't working.

"Why? Why would you care?! I'm just like your cheater of a girlfriend, Stephani, remember? If you think I'm gonna getting in the same car as you after what you said to me then you must be crazy. Just leave me here. I'd rather be here anyway than with an oblivious, rude, sorry excuse for a person like you." I finished, beginning to feel water rumble in me. In due time I was crying again. Great.

He continued while I kept ignoring him. Well, trying my best to. Soon I heard another car screech to a halt nearby. Luckily, it was Jae. She came out looking lazily put together: her hair was in a frantic ponytail, she wore Jc's oversized tie dye letter sweater, and grey baggy sweatpants.

"What did you do to her you butt munch?!" She screamed while approaching me and getting me up.

"And don't talk to her again! If you fail to do so then I will hunt you down, I will find you, and I will kill you!" She added, receiving a frightened face from Kian.

It's something, though, because as weird and random as my sister was, I knew she was more than likely serious.

"I'll see you both later, then." He said, waving.

In return, he got synchronized timing middle fingers.

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