Chapter 1:The Fire Starter

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I've always been the quiet girl who sits in the back of class and doesn't talk. I haven't had any friends since my old school. Most people would hate this but I
actually don't.

I don't mind it. I hate attention it stresses me out. So when someone called me out on something that wasn't true well let's just say I didn't react well to all the attention.
"That bitch she stole my boyfriend"
This is all I hear when I walk into class. Everyone is looking at ME of all people and I don't know why.

I pretend like nothing is happening and quickly sit down in the back of the classroom. But when I look up again they're all still staring.

I my hands start to shake. I don't like this at all. Maybe if I keep ignoring them they'll stop.
Suddenly the girl who was screaming when I walked in, I think her name is Jessica, walks up to my desk.

She leaned really close to my desk and whisperd "You have some nerve trying to hook up with my boyfriend. But don't worry I will make sure you regret it. In fact you'll regret ever being born"

I just sit there I don't know how to respond. My eyes get wide and I can barley breathe. Tears fill my eyes and finally the damn breaks.

I burst into tears and run out of the classroom. I run to my car and try to calm down.
Why would she even have that idea? I don't even know her boyfriend?! I have to leave I can't stay at school like this.

I get in my car and start driving. Thankfully I made it out of school without being caught. Or else I would be a wreck.

All I can think about is all those people staring at me. Their eyes judging me more and more every second that they stared.

Why are people so....well so inhuman. Like for Gods sake. People act like they really care about other people's feelings but they don't.

It is so rare to find someone who doesn't judge you.

I continue to drive lost in my thoughts. To be honest I didn't even know where I was going that day but eventually I found a small coffee shop.

I park my car near the front and walk in.

It looks like a normal coffee shop except for some reason there are clocks all over the place.

There's a boy around my age working the counter. I oder a frozen hot chocolate and sit down on ones of the couches.

I am finally calm and at peace. I don't know what it is about this place but it's very peaceful.

There aren't many people here which makes sense considering its only 11.

Most people are probably at work or school.

And for the next hour I just drink my drink and listen to Ed Sheeran.
So basically Jessica started the fire and snatched away all my happiness in one day. Funny how rumors work, isn't it?

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