Chapter 35: Truth

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My hands clamp around the cold handle of the blade as tears stream down my face. This should help with the pain. It'll take away how I feel with Nathan.

Taking one last breathe I slice the blade along my soft skin. Pain throbs through my wrist. I still feel it. I go in for another cut and I still feel it. After a few more times I realize its no use.

I lay down on my bathroom floor and continue to cry as blood flows from my arm.

Right as I wake up I can smell dry blood. I look down and realize what I've done.

I let out a sob as I stumble to my feet, my knees still hurt from slamming them to the ground. I walk over to the shower and turn on the hot water.

When I step in the water almost burns,but I don't change it. I like the feel of it. It calms me, and right now that's what I need.

When I step out I feel clean and refreshed. Then I get dressed for school. The one place I've been avoiding very well.

When I'm finally dressed I grab my bag and run out the door. I'm almost late, but I just make it.

I go through all my classes with a blank stare on my face. Until third period.

"Wonderful! Alsion! You're here! You're presenting today!" My teacher exclaimed right as I walked into the door almost late from walking too slow.

My eyes go wide as everyone stares at me and gives me smirks. I feel trapped.

I go to my desk and drop my stuff on the floor and stand in the front of the room. My teachers gives me an encouraging look as if I should start.

I take a deep breathe and speak "Um for my... My project..on um....on" everyone is laughing.

And then I don't know why but I am just done. I'm tired of being scared.

"My project is a monolouge!" I scream over the laughter.

The room goes dead silent from shock and I begin.

"Rumors are like wildfires. And in case anyone didn't know rumors are a very popular thing at out school. They spread quickly and cause harm. But they can be controlled to some extent. Honestly though, once they start you can't stop them. They just keep going. Getting bigger and bigger as time goes on. And eventually they destroy. Eventually they do top much damage and all that's left is ashes. The aftermath. So next time you want to start a rumor about someone, even if its true, think about wildfires."

For a second its silent. No one moves. And then Jessica claps and the whole class joins.

The look I get from her is not expected. She gives me a look of victory. A look that says she won.

I look in her in the eyes and then walk out of the school for the weekend.

After going home and napping I find myself getting up and walking to mg car. I drive and end up at the coffee shop. I don't hesitate. I just walk right in.

When I don't see Nathan behind the counter I am surprised. He works on Friday afternoons. Its his favorite shift.

The only person I see is some girl and a guy. The girl has purple highlights and a pretty face. The guys is attractive but not Nathan.

I walk up to the counter to investigate. "Um hi, do you know where Nathan is?"

They both give me confused looks and the girl answers "Sorry but no. We just got hired here so we slmtr really know anyone. We only work Thursday and Friday afternoon shifts"

That's weird. Those are the two times Nathan can never hang out. He's working those times.

"Alright thanks I guess" I can't hide my disappointment

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