Chapter 20: School

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I hear a beeping. It won't stop. Someone make it stop!

Rolling over I hit the snooze button with so much force my alarm clock falls to the ground.

I stare at the ceiling watching the fan spin back and forth. Do I really have to go to school? Yes I do. I've missed so much school I don't even want to think about all the makeup work.

Dragging my tired feet to the wood floor some how I pull myself out of the comfort of my bed and begin walking downstairs one by one.

When I finally land myself in the kitchen I am surprised to see my dad sitting at the table. Drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. He looks like the the poster guy for "Average Father".

"Morning sweetie" my dad gives me a tired smile obviously tired about last night.

"Morning" I mutter under my breathe still not really awake. I'm more like a walking zombie at the moment.

Grabbing the cereal from the cabinet, Lucky Charms, and the milk from the fridge, I sit down on one of the bar stools and begin piling all the regular cereal in my mouth. I always save the marshmallows for last.

"Aly, I would like to meet that boy Nathan."

I look at my dad as I finish off all of the marshmallows. "But Daddy you've already met him"

"Yes well I would like to meet him on better circumstances."

Sighing I agree "Alright Daddy, how long are you staying?"

"A week, so I'll be leaving next Tuesday early"

My eyes go wide with shock. He's staying a week?? He hasn't done that in forever. That's weird but whatever.

"Alright I'll talk to Nathan"

"Thanks" my dad nods and turns his attention back to the news.

I hop off my seat and walk to the sink where I rinse and put my bowl in the dishwasher. Then I sweep the milk and cereal from the counter and put them away.

I go upstairs and pull on a pair of leggings with a long hoodie and converse. Simple.

I brush my teeth and hair. Then to finish it off I pull my hair into a quick French braid.

When I get downstairs my dad is already gone and I sigh in relief. I though he was going to mention Julie again.

Grabbing my keys and my backpack I go out to my car and start it up. Checking the clock I realize I have time to stop so I pull into a Starbucks on the way.

"I'd like a venti Very Berry Refresher please" I say speaking into the drive thru

When I get up there I have to wait. Checking the clock every few minutes I am pushing it. I might not make it there on time.

"Here you go mam, sorry about the wait" she hands me my drink and a five dollar gift card to make up for the wait

I smile and pull away hitting the gas. I'm at school in a record time of two minutes. Parking my car I begin to run to first period.

I make it there just in time. Mrs.Evelyn almost closed the door on me but she didn't.

I go to my desk and sit down quickly aware of the fact that people are staring at the girl who came in late.

I look at the board and realize we are reading "Scarlet's Letter" for a few minutes. When did we start that book?

"Alison please come up here" my teacher calls from her desk

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