Chapter 39: The Letter

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He's really gone. The love of my life.

In my head I hear his voice. It taunts me.

Sometimes I feel as if relationships aren't worth it. You love people and in the end no matter what someone will get hurt.

What really pains me is that Nathan didn't even tell me.

My mind flashes back to the look on his face the last time I saw him. He knew that he wasn't going to see me again.

It's kind of like a fantasy. The last words I heard from his mouth were "I love you".

He meant it. I know he did, which is why this hurts me.

As these thoughts finish racing through my mind I see two people walk in.

The first thing I notice is their blue eyes. They're his. His eyes, the ones I fell in love with. But these eyes are filled with sadness and pain.

"Alison?" The mom looks at me with sympathy.

I look into her eyes as a notion for her to continue.

"Hi sweetie, we're Nathan's parents" she sheds a tear "he really loved you. So thank you for keeping him happy." She loses it.

She turns to her husband and weeps into him. He puts his arm around her and holds her close. Just like Nathan would if that was me.

"Here" he hands me a notebook and they both walk out together, mourning the loss of their beloved son.

I just stare at it. Its a worn down notebook. The color is a tannish brown and in his hand writing is his name.

Delicately I trace my fingers along the name. But then I pull my hands away quickly as if there was a shock. I continue to stare at it wondering what to do.

Should I open it up and discover the wonders it holds? Or should I wait?

Very carefully I pick up the notebook and hold it up looking at the back. Right as my eyes come across my name I drop it into my lap.

Sorrunding it is a heart. He loves me. Actually he loved me.

I start to cry as I think more and more about him. Our first date was the best day of my life. It was all so perfect. So beautiful.

I think about they way he would hold me when I was upset. How he would pick me up and caary me when I broke down.

His smile would light up myt heart. And he would do anything to see mine.

The more I remember him the sadder I get. He had so much life in him. At least that's what it seems like.

I am crying so hard that I shake. My ribs ache in pain and I wonder what my injurys are.

I was dead. And they brought me back. I was almost with him and I was brought back. The opportunity to see him,my grandpa, and my mom was snatched from me.

I shouldn't be here. I should be dead.

I hear footsteps and look up to see my dad, who I haven't seem since I woke up. He sees me and starts to cry with me.

He stis down on the bed and holds my hand until the tears put me to sleep.

When I wake up he's there. Not him, but my dad.

"Daddy?" My voice crack out

He jumps up from his chair and hands me water. I take a sip and instantly feel relief in my throat.

"How much longer?" I notion to the hospital room.

"I really don't know honey. You have broken ribs and your lungs collapsed. They took you out of ICU while you were asleep but you still have to be here." He answers.

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