Chapter 15: First Date

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"Cayla?" I question looking down at my now awake friend.

"Um yes its me? Where are we? Shouldn't we be at your house? Oh and Happy birthday!!!"

"I can't believe this!" I embrace Cayla and just hold her

She's probably so confused. But she realizes the importance of my grip so she hugs me back.

"Um Alison, can you tell me what is going on?"

I giggle and look at her. She's really awake. I can't believe this. She's awake!! I have my best friend.

Tears begin to form in my eyes as I explain "You were in a car accident on my birthday. Its been six days since. You've been in a coma. And I just missed you so much! I'm so glad your okay!"

"Aw Aly why are you crying"

"Oh these" I say pointing at my tears "These are happy tears"

She smiles and we hug again.

Suddenly I jump up and run till I find her doctor. "She's awake!!!"

He looks at me and immediately begins walking towards the room.

When he gets there he looks very pleased. He begins to check things on her screen.

He turns to me and says "This is great news! Everything looks good, of course she still has some bruises and such from the crash, but she's good to go. I'll go call her parents"

"Wow Cayla this is just so great"

"I know, and what was it I heard about a date? With you, and Nathan?"

Looking down I blush "He asked me on a date. A real date."

"I'm so excited! I woke up just in time! I want details by the second!! What are you wearing!?!"

Her excitement is almost overwhelming "Slow down. Cayla you just woke up" I laugh a little

"Exactly, I just woke up from sleeping for six days!?! I need to get caught up on everything!" She squeals out.

And then her parents come in and the whole mood changes.

They stop in the doorway staring at their daughter in tears. Just staring. Probably wondering if this is some cruel dream.

"Cayla?" Her mother cries out

"Mom" Cayla answers now sounding emotional

"I'll text you later Cayla. You need some time with your parents."

She nods while her parents both run to her.

"Nathan! Nathan! Nathan" I jump into his arms and he catches me

"Alison? Why so happy?" He laughs at the fact that he almost fell when I jumped into his arms.
That would've been bad. We both would of fell right down.

The shop is more crowded today then it's ever been.

"Cayla woke up!"

He grin "That's great. I'm so excited for our date tomorrow, I'll pick you up at 11 ok?" He sounds happy but also rushed which makes sense considering all the customers

"Ok bye" I get on my tippy toes and quickly kiss him goodbye

And then I walk out. Towards home to go find out what I'll be wearing.

I get in my new car, which is one of the best things that's ever happened to me, and drive.

While driving I think about the secret. It's killing me inside. I don't know if I can tell her.

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