Chapter 9: The Aftermath

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When I got home that night my dad was waiting up for me. He was really worried.

"Alison!! Where have you been?!" He embraced me in a hug

"Daddy please cab we just talk in the morning I'll explain everything. I'm sorry for worrying you."

"Alright sweetie I'm leaving at 11:30 tomorrow. Goodnight I love you. Happy birthday" he bends down and softly kisses my for head.

I drag myself to my room and take off my clothes and pull out on and oversized T-shirt for bed.

Then I just lay down and look up. I feel so lost. Empty. I don't know what's going to happen.

I cry myself to sleep. Happy birthday to me.
The next morning I wake up to talk to my dad. When I get out of my bed my legs feel weak.

I'm an emotional wreck. I can't do this anymore.

When I get down stairs my dad is sitting at the table drinking coffee and staring at his tablet.

"Moring Daddy"

"Morning Sweetie"

"Listen Daddy about yesterday, Cayla got in a car accident. And she's in a comma." That's all I can say. No details or anything its too hard.

"Aly I am so sorry" he pulls me into a hug. I love hugs from him. He makes me feel safe. He really is a good dad.

Even if he's not around all the time he's there when I need him. He's just a little lost. He misses my mom.

After we're done hugging I say goodbye and get in my car and for the first time in a day check my phone.

Nathan didn't call me once. Did he even show? I start up my car and drive.

I get to the coffee shop and walk in without hesitation. I need to confront him.

When I walk in he looks at me for a second and then looks away.

"Did you show up yesterday?"

Embarrassed he blushes and says "No."

That's it. No. That's all he can say. One lousy word. Thats when I look at him one more time and say "Nathan. You hurt me"

And on that happy note I walked. And guess what? He didn't come after me.
"Has she woken up yet?" I ask Caylas parents who are standing in the lobby talking to a doctor.

"No sweetie. She hasn't, but thanks for coming. The doctor said peoples she's close to should try talking to her." Her mom told me

"How about you give it a try" her dad finishes.

I nod and walk up to her room. She looks so lifeless.

I sat down on her bed and held her hand. She's wearing our friendship bracelet.

The one we got each other in kindergarten. I'm wearing mine too.

"Cayla, please please please wake up. Okay? I need you. Your my best friend. Your the Winnie to my Pooh. As you would say" I giggle a little as I say this she would always say that "I miss you. Without you I wouldn't be able to live. I would have no one who cares about me. So please wake up. I mean the longer you stay like this the more phone notifications you'll have"

And with that I got up and walked out.

I went to her parents and said goodbye to them. They need all the hope they can get.

I will visit every single day. I have to. She needs me. And I'll be there for her. No matter what.
I remember the first day we met

Some boy on the playground had been teasing me and I was crying.

Cayla walked up to that boy and said "I would hit you but people like you aren't worth my effort"

And from that moment on she was my best friend. Always watching out for me and me for her.

When her first boyfriend cheated on her I egged his house.

That was one of the only times little shy me could actually do something like that.

Only for my best friend. She needed me.

I look at the bracket on my wrist. Its made out of string. Mine is pink and blue. And hers is blue and purple.

She said we needed the same and different colors. Because we were in so many ways different and in so many ways the same.

I got pink because I was shy and the shade of pink is very light. She got purple because she is fiesty and sassy.

And I never knew why she picked blue. She always had a reason but she said I could only know when the time was right.

She was a very intelligent kindergartner. I start to cry thinking about how I could never now. She could die with that secret.

But I stop myself. She won't die. She's a fighter.

Thanks everyone for reading!!! Comment and Vote. Honestly this book is one of my favorite ideas I've had. And I really hope to publish my book. So please please please share this with others!!! <3

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