Chapter 17: Fights

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Before I knew what I was doing I jumped out pushed his arm down.

I look over at Cayla who's eyes have fear in them. I walk over to her and put her in my car.

Then I angrily march over to Brian who is just standing there like an idiot.

"If you ever touch or talk to her again you will regret it"

Then I walked back to my car and drove away with a crying Cayla.

"Where are we going?" Cayla questions realizing that I didn't head towards her house

"Your sleeping over and we're gonna talk. "

She opens her mouth to object but I say "Cayla you don't have a choice. Alright we need to have a girls night."

Before heading home I pull into a Publix to pick up some food. I grab ice cream, cookie dough, peanut butter, and watermelon.

There aren't lines in check out so I check out quickly.

Almost at my car I look over and see Jessica standing by her car. I put my head down hoping she won't notice.

Taking a deep breathe I start walking faster. Only 20 steps and I'm safe.






And then it all goes wrong.

"Oh look who we have here" she says speaking to me and her little posse.

"Jessica please just leave me alone"

She's stopped right in front of me and I try to walk past.

She steps in front of me and I loose my balance and fall to the ground.

I try to get up but she kicks me down. "You should probably stay down there cause that's where you belong"

My knee is aching in pain right where she kicked me. That'll be a bruise.

Stupid me tries to get up again and this time I take a kick to the ribs.

All of her friends start laughing. I'm struggling to breathe. She knocked the wind out of me.

Next thing I know when I look up Jessica is taking a fist to the eye.

"Bitch! If you ever touch her again I'll beat your sorry little non existent ass!"

None of this is registering in my mind. I just feel so numb. I am still trying to catch my breath.

Jessica looks taken aback for just a second but she composes herself.

"Excuse me! Who the hell are you! Don't think I'll let you get away with punching me! I'll..."

She's cut off by Cayla "Bitch if you don't stop right now you better put your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye"

She pulls me up puts me in the passenger seat and drives us away.

All she says is "The ice creams probably melted"

We pull into my driveway and I get out to put the ice cream in the freezer.

Cayla walks in and sits on my couch. I sit down next to her.

We both just sit there. I should have told her and I feel really bad. But my knee and my rib area also really hurts.

I put my head down and fall asleep.

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