Chapter 14: Changes

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Instead of going home that night I drive a very familiar drive.

When I get there I am happy that there are still lights on. I get up go inside.

There he is. Sitting there at the couch. Just stating off into space.

He doesn't even look up. Its like he didn't hear the door open. I quietly move over to where he's sitting.

I walk to his side and put my hand on his shoulder. When he see's me his whole face changes.

He jumps up and throws me into his arms. And then we stand like that for five minutes.

"I miss you" I cry out

"I miss you too"

And then we sit down on the couch hand in hand.

I realized I made the right decision. I'm happier with him. My life has more meaning.

"So tell me how has things been" Nathan ask

"Actually horrible. Cayla got in a car accident on my birthday. She's been in a coma ever since. And I don't know what but some things been weird with my dad. And Jessica has been really awful. And then there was you know everything with us. And its just been a long week."

"Wow. Its only been six days. I'm so sorry Alison. Can I make it up to you? Let's hang out this Saturday. All day I'll find someone to cover for me. It'll be a date?" He looks so sad for me but also hopefull for our date

I look up to his eyes and answer "Actually I'd love that."

"Great" he smiles and we snuggle closer.

"Hey! I have an idea" his eyes are gleaming

"What it is" I giggle at his excitement. He's like a little kid, its cute.

"Let's play a game!!" He jumps up before I can answer and runs into the other room.

When he comes back he's carrying the game monopoly.

Oh no!! "That game takes forever!"

"Aw please!?! It's on my bucket list to finish a game of monopoly"

Looking at his puppy dog eyes I couldn't refuse.

"Oh alright. If it makes you happy"

He smiles and sets up the game while I watch.

"Um I pick the thumb thingie" I choose first

"And I choose the cell phone" Nathan next

I roll first and get doubles. And the luck just continues for me.

I beat his sorry butt.

"Ha!!! That's it!!! I win!! You starting to regret playing this??"I exclaim 3 hours later

"What me? Of course not!! Its still three hours I got to spend with you."

I smile even bigger when he says that. I didn't even know that was possible.

But I didn't have to hold it for long because Nathan begins to kiss me.

And then we waste another half hour making out. Well I wouldn't say it was wasted.

When I get home that night I am exhausted. I go right up to room and for once fall right asleep.


I see my mom. She's standing right in front of me.

I can reach her.

I put my hand out and suddenly she's flying away from me.

"Mom!!!" I screech out

I try to run but my legs won't move. My mind is telling me to go but my body wont let me.

She's almost gone. Almost out of sight. And now she's calling for me.

"Aly! Aly! Please help me! Don't let me go! Help!"

I start to cry as I try my best to move. I just can't do it.

"Aly please help" my mom let's out one last call for help

"Mom I'm sorry I can't" I scream at her

"Mom I'm so sorry" that's my last call

And then she's gone. Suddenly there's fire everywhere. Its suffocating me.

All around me I hear people saying thing.

"Your worthless"

"You let your mom die"



All these insults and more and no matter how much I want to cover my ears I can't.

Mt lungs are starting to fail. I'm choking trying to breathe.

And then in front of me there's Jessica. She stands just outside of the fire.

She begins to laugh. She won't stop. She's taunting me.

There's a fire extinguisher in her hand. She s just not using it. She just keeps on laughing.

I wake up drenched in sweat. I'm not going to school today. I've been missing it a lot lately.

I get out my phone and text my dad

Me- Dad I'm sick please call the school

Dad- OK.

That's it. Ok. No feel better. No what's wrong. Nothing. What is up with him?

I'm drawn out of my worried thoughts with a text from the one and only Nathan.

Nathan- So excited for tomorrow! :) Had fun with you last night! Have a good day!! :)

Me- Thanks me too!!! I might stop by later ;)

With that I put my phone down and drive to the hospital. For once Cayla's parents aren't there.

They probably had to get back to work. I feel so bad for them.

I walk into her room and sit on her bed.

I lay down right next to her and begin talking.

"Cayla please wake up. That's all I'm going to say on that. There's so much I have to tell you. I went to see Nathan and we're good. And now we have a date! Tomorrow. But don't worry I'll still visit. Everyday. Pinky swear" I pause and lock our pinkies "Oh and we played monopoly and I beat him! And then we kissed again and it was amazing. I'm almost completely happy. All I need is for you to be wake up. That's all. And then I'll be happy."

"Anything to make you happy"

That's all!! Vote and comment. I would also like to say that the Cayla in this story is based of my best friend Emily EmilyCarr8 and my other friend Cayla CaylaBK10
Thanks so much for reading!!!!

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