Chapter 19: The Woods

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"Alison" my dad shouts from downstairs. He's still mad about my reaction around Julie yesterday.

Now as I apply my lip gloss I begin to think about how tonight will work. I glance down at my phone to see if my plan will work.

Satisfied that everything will be OK I grab my phone and slip it into my black purse as I stride down the stairs to greet my worried dad.

"Hey daddy are we ready to go? Where's Julie" I wince a little on how easy that name slides off the tounge.

Of course her name is flawless too.

"Oh she's meeting us there its close to the hotel she's staying at for her business meeting"

We are eating outside of town. About and hour away for it will be far away. No one I know will be there and I won't be looked at like a whore.

I nod at my dads answer and walk out the door to my dads car. He opens the door for me and I hop in. Then my dads goes to his side starts up the car and drives.

I begin to look out the window when we drive by to girls laughing together, my dad slows down not wanting to risk hitting anyone.

My heart tugs at this sight thinking of Cayla. We used to have that. Days we would laugh so much our stomachs would hurt. But I don't have that.

It's moments like these that make me feel worse. They make me feel like crawling under a rock and never coming out. But I take a deep breathe and turn my focus away from Cayla.

Finally after a long ride of silence I speak to my dad putting my plan in place.

"Daddy, I just wanted to say that I feel bad so I have a surprise for you when we get there."

My dad's eyes quickly glance my way as I smile innocently. His expression softens after being tense with anger the whole ride over.

"Alright sweetie. I'm sorry to I guess I should have warned you"

"Oh no your fine that's what a surprise is isn't it?" I smile to myself

We pull into the restraunt and I swing my door open and walk up to Nathan who's standing at the front right where he should be.

Grabbing his head I give him a long kiss right in front of my dad.

Then I grab his hand and walk to my shocked dad who is standing by Julie who probably walked up during the kiss.

"Surprise Daddy. This is my boyfriend Nathan. He's eating with us isn't that great!" A sarcastic tone dripping down my tounge.

Suddenly Nathan's backing up looking well actually looking hurt. And then it hit me. I hurt him and my dad the two people who actually care about me.

My dad has an expression of disappointment planted on my face. And then there's Julie who I swear is giving me a smug smile.

I begin to walk backwards and then taking one more look at their faces I take off running.

I run as fast as I can in combat boots my feet pounding on the pavement. As I'm run I stumble upon some woods.

I only hesitate for a second before entering them.

I wake up not knowing where I am. Then I remember that I ran. Ran from everything.

I messed up again. Maybe what everyone says about me is true. Maybe I'm really worthless. Tears begin to burn down my cheeks.

And I feel hopeless.

"Alison wake up"

I keep my eyes closed not wanting to wake up. Not wanting to do anything.

"Aly please" the voice sounds desperate so I let my eyes flutter open.

I am greeted by Nathan. Why would he be here?

"Nathan?" I mange to choke out

"Oh my God Aly. You're okay" he embraces me

"Nathan I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done what I did."

"Aly its fine I forgive you just promise you'll never leave me again." He sounds dead serious

I hold up my pinkie and he puts his with mine.

I start to cry and he holds me. I grab onto him like I'm drowning and he's my lifesaver.

"Shh it's OK. I have you" he whispers as I try to calm down.



"Do you think things will ever be better?"

"What do you mean?"

"I lost Cayla and now my Dad probably hates me and I hurt you and school is awful and I just feel like I'm falling."

"You didn't loose Cayla. She has been looking for you all night with your dad, who doesn't hate you or else he wouldn't try to find you. And school isn't forever."

I nod taking all is this in. Cayla looked for me? She still cares. Then why can't I have my best friend back?

"Nathan, I love you"

He gently kisses my for head "I love you too"

And then we lay there staring up at the stars. Amazing how much something can change in one night.

But things can also get worse in a few seconds. Things are happy and sad. But I decide not to worry about all the sadness.

At least I'm happy laying here with Nathan. The boy who changed everything.

I like how I can rest my head against his chest and feel him breathing up and down. Knowing that as long as that breathe is steady I'll never be alone.

We fell asleep laying there together and by the time we wake up its already daylight.

"Nathan" I nudge him awake and he jumps up causing my head to fall to the ground.

"Sorry!! Reflexes!"

"Ow" I rub my head and pull myself to my feet.

Nathan takes my hand and leads me out of the woods to his truck

We both get in and begin the long drive home. When we get there my dad is standing outside talking to a crying Cayla.

Before I even take a step Cayla tackles me with a huge hug.

"I'm sorry Aly. I should have never left our friendship I miss you"

"Its fine we both messed up" we both begin to cry in each others arms.

I wish we could stay like that forever. That would mean I wouldn't have to face my dad.

But of course it doesn't and I slowly have to walk over my dad.

I look at him he looks at me and he hugs me so hard my ribs hurt.

"Daddy you're hurting me"

Chuckling my dad pulls away and looks at me. "Don't ever do that again"

"I promise"

Actually for a second time I realize. I should write this down so I don't forget. Joking I'll definitely remember.

When I walk up to my room I strip my clothes and get into the shower happy to get the woods off of me.

But deep down I know a part of those woods will always be with me. In less than 24 hours they showed me that I'm not completely alone.

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