Chapter 21: Rainy Night

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The night after seeing Nathan I can't fall asleep right away. I don't really know why but I can't.

Its like my brain won't shut up. Except there's no reason for it to keep me awake. No reason at all. Right now everything is OK.

Well except for all the bullies and Julie. But everything with my friends and family is good. Me and Nathan are happy. Cayla is speaking to me and my dad is home.

Wait? Is he? I realize that he's not home yet. Rolling to my side I glance at my alarm clock only to remember I broke it this morning. So I reach through the dark for my phone and finally my fingers grasp the screen.

My screen comes alive and I read the time. 1:30

Where is he? Now I'm worried, what if he's not coming home. He's never been out this late. He always goes to bed early. Always. He's like and old man in that way.

I dial his number hoping he'll answer. After enough rings I get his voicemail.


"Hey Daddy I was wondering where you are. Please call me and come home"

I call again. Voicemail.

"Daddy please answer. I'm starting to worry"

Then I wait five minutes until I can't take it and I call him again.

When I hear his voicemail I begin to cry thinking about him being lost or hurt.

"Daddy please. I'm scared" hiccup "I need to know where you are" hiccup "Please come home" hiccup "Please"

I hang up and continue crying. When I cry this hard I start hiccuping so the next 20 minutes is filled with hiccuping and crying.

When my phone rings I cry tears of joy.


"Hey Alison, I'm so sorry I didn't call I'm with Julie and I'm fine. The real question is are you okay? Because I heard you crying"

"Daddy I'm fine now. Please call next time alright?"


"Alright goodnight I love you"

"Love you too"

Finally I can breathe. He's alright. But now I realize I'm mad. Not at him but at Julie.

She just shows up and steals my Daddy away. She took him from me. Its not just me and him anymore.

School is school until after school when I have to take all those tests and quizzes which I am so ready for considering I'm already halfway through the book. This will be as easy as pie.

When I sit down at my test my brain is relieved even more. I know all of these. I love taking tests when you know all the answers.

I'm done with everything in 30 minutes. When I bring everything up to my teachers desk she is shocked.

"Alison is there a problem?" She insists probably thinking I have a question

"No,I'm finished with everything" I set the papers down on her desk.

"Excuse me?" She looks worried probably thinking I cheated

"I said I finished. Done. It was really easy for me"

"You can't possibly be done"

"Yes I can, I basically binge read the book"

She glares at me one last time "If you cheated I will find out. Believe me. So you can either confess now or get in more trouble." She grabs my papers and huffs more than the big bad wolf as she walks out of the room

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