Chapter 41: Therapy

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I miss him.

I know that I've thought and said those three words many times since he's been gone, but today its different. Today I really do miss him. Today I think all of the shock of the accident and being in the hospital has worn off. Today, I miss him.

All day my heart has been aching for him. I got such a small amount of time with him. But in that time, I fell in love.

It sounds crazy, but I did. I completely fell head over heals for him. And now I'm really being to feel the pain of that.

Everything I see reminds me of him. I can't get his blue eyes out of my head. I can feel them staring at me intently from above. He's still watching me.

Sometimes I have conversations with him late at night, when my dad is already home. I'll lay in my hospital bed and I just talk to him. I speak out loud and in my head I can hear his voice answering.

So right now as I look up to the ceiling, I speak to him.

"Hey Nathan, I miss you"

"I miss you more"

"OK so I know that the voice in my head is really just me, but I like to think that its you. Because you are all I want right now. I want you to come back"

"I wish I never left."

"I wish you never left either. But you did, and I have to deal with this. I don't know how yet, but this is helping I think. Just talking to you. Because I love you so much."

"I love you too" I let out a tear as I hear his voice say those words. It feels so real.

"Your parents invited me over for dinner, and I'm going to go. I'm finally going to meet them. I hope they like me." I continue on,telling him about my life.

"They'll love you." I imagine his voice very confident and in love at the same time.

"I hope so. Goodnight Nathan, I love and miss you" I blow a kiss upward and smile a slight amount when I think about him catching it.

"Goodnight Aly, I love and miss you more"

"Aly, Aly" I'm being shaken lightly from my slumber

When my eyes finally open I see my nurse Gretchen standing above me. She's young, probably 23, and she has blonde hair and green eyes.

"Hmmm?" I question

"We are having a physical therapist coming in today to help you begin walking again. Once you can walk without help you can go home, but you'll be on house rest," she says this with such sweetness

"Thank you Gretchen" I smile, but it doesn't reach my eyes because I am too tired.

She reaches down, squezzes my hand and walks out of the room.

Gretchen is so nice. I always wonder how people become like that. Those great people who are always nice to everyone. A nurse is definitely a good profession for her.

I reach over to my bedside table and grab the familiar black remote. The screen flickers to life and I get lost in an episode of Spongebob.

I get so lost in the show, that I don't realize that someone has walked into my room.

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