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Merlin spun around just in time to see hundreds of enemy warriors pouring through the mighty gates of Camelot, the great capital of Albion. Albion was once a peaceful land where the old religion reigned. But dark times followed and Albion was torn apart by war. For many hundreds of years the lands that had once been one ,fought against one another again and again until one man ended it all. His name was Arthur Pendragon. "Stop", thought Merlin, "I mustn't let myself get distracted by what once was." For Arthur was no more. Years ago, in the final battle that would reunite Albion, the great king had fallen. Then a new enemy had arisen. His name was Lord Aragon. He was a powerful dark sorcerer who's cruelty was known throughout the land. Aragon was power-hungry. He wanted to rule over everyone and everything. For months now he had been attacking Albion with the intention to rule. With new power given to him by the memories of his old friend and the hatred of the dark lord, Merlin released a stream of magic that thrust an oncoming wave of enemies of their feet, knocking them into the soldiers behind them. "Retreat!", shouted Sir Percival, commander of the knights of Camelot and the knights began to fall back. "We can't let them win Percival, we can't lose Camelot!", Sir Gareth called back as he desperately tried to hold back a slew of Aragons men. "We have no choice Gareth, now get back!". Sir Percival and his knights fled into the palace. Merlin had managed to extract himself from the battle and hurried up the stone steps to the highest tower of the palace. There he lifted his head to the sky and screamed at the top of his lungs:, "O drakon, e male so ftengometta tesd'hup'anankes!" For a few silent moments nothing happened. Then all of a sudden an enormous form came bursting through the clouds letting out an earsplitting roar. Soon the great dragon was standing calmly in front of Merlin. "Kilgara you came!" Relieved, Merlin ran up to his old friend. "You call, I come young Warlock. You should know that by now.", the old dragon rumbled. "Of course, I'm sorry." Quickly Merlin explained the situation. "Kilgara you must help us or we will all be lost". "Now then young Warlock you must learn to think for yourself. I will not always be around to help you Merlin. Your friends may depend on you but you cannot depend on me. All the answers are within you, you just have to find them." And with that the great beast stretched his mighty wings and took off, flying toward the sun and out of sight. "You can't do this I need you! Please Kilgara help me!" Merlin sank to the cold stone floor with his head in his hands. Minutes passed and the sounds of battle drifted up to him. Suddenly the young sorcerer knew what to do. Slowly he stood, gathering himself as he did. Calmly and deliberately he walked right to the edge of the roof. Then we opened his mouth wide and screamed. Merlin felt a surge of power shoot through his body as he freed all of his magic. Down below, Aragons men felt their blood run cold. Every single one of them turned and fled, crying out with terror. After a second of total confusion, the knights of Camelot followed, bellowing, after their fleeing enemy. Merlin, who was still standing on the edge of the roof, collapsed onto the floor.

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