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"Rise and shine Sire!" Merlin threw back the thick velvet curtains and turned to grin at a rather grumpy Arthur. With a groan the King grabbed his pillow and buried his head beneath it. Abruptly, he remembered the events of the previous night and sat up so fast that Merlin jumped back in surprise. But before Arthur could even open his mouth Merlin said, rushing his words; "Don't worry Arthur she's fine." With a sigh of relief, Arthur sank back into his pillows. "Gaius looked after her while we we're asleep but I gave her a little extra help this morning." ,Merlin explained with a grin. Arthur smiled gratefully at his friend. Then he frowned; "Wait, did you say this morning?" "Indeed I did. It's after midday..." "WHAT?" Leaping up from his bed, Arthur sprinted to his wardrobe and began to franticly pull out random items of clothing and put them on. "Merlin! How could you let me sleep for so long??" ,he yelled at his poor manservant. "Arthur you we're hurt as well! You needed the sleep as much as anyone. I was doing you a favour." Merlin crossed his arms in front of his chest in a defensive manner, a smirk on his young face. Arthur stuck his head out from behind the wardrobe door. "A favour? Really Merlin? I'm the King you numbskull! I have work to do! I have to run a kingdom incase you hadn't noticed. And I have to find out if Merrill really was working for Aragon and make sure there are no more such events." Arthur spat out the last word, his face full of disgust. "Yes I know but-" "No buts Merlin. You have to help me. Now come on you dimwit." Merlin's grin faltered. He had hoped that Arthur might be in such a hurry that he would just forget about him. Then he would have been able to return to Gaius' chambers and talk to Alia properly. For that morning, as soon as she was strong enough to speak, Merlin had demanded to know what secrets she had been keeping from him. And she had told him. But for now he was just going to have to wait. He had to deal with Arthur first. So, with a huff of annoyance, Merlin gave himself a push and followed Arthur down the hall.


"Thank you Gaius.",Alia smiled gratefully at the old man as she sipped the tea he had just brought her. They stood staring out of the small window, looking down onto the busy courtyard below. Gaius smiled right back; "My pleasure my dear. How are you feeling?" "Better thank you. Merlin really has learned a lot from you Gaius." The physician chuckled; "Yes I suppose he has." They retuned their gazes to the window and lapsed into silence. "Why didn't you tell him Alia?",Gaius asked softly, without taking his eyes of the view outside. Alia sucked in a sharp breath. "The time wasn't right.",she said simply. "Alia,",the wise, old man turned to face her now, "you knew how much this would mean to him. He was so alone in the world of magic until you came. He trusted you." Alia span around and walked slowly over to the bed she had occupied the night before and sat down. "I know Gaius. I hated not being able to tell him but you know how it is with dragons, magic and fate.",the Druid girl grimaced as she said this, "I just couldn't. But he knows now. He knows that Balinor is my father."

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