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After explaining everything that had happened since Arthurs death in great detail, from the fact that magic was now not a crime anymore to who was in charge of the knights, Merlin went to search for firewood. When he returned he found Arthur staring out onto the lake with a puzzled look on his handsome face. Cautiously he walked over to him and said with a grin:, "You know Arthur, considering you just came back from the dead you're looking pretty good." Arthur snorted:, "Thanks Merlin. You on the other hand haven't changed a bit." "What's that supposed to mean?", Merlin asked pretending to be annoyed but Arthur had already turned his attention back to the water. "Listen Arthur I know this is hard for you to take in but we must return to Camelot! We are at war and Albion needs you Arthur. Your people need you, your friends need you, your wife needs you and... and I need you." At that Arthur looked up with a sad smile and said:, "Thank you Merlin, but I cannot return." "What? Arthur why would you say that of course you can return! Everyone will be overjoyed that their beloved kings is back! There will be a celebration and...", "Merlin", "...with your help we can win this war and...", "Merlin!", "'re a hero Arthur you can save... ", "MERLIN!" Merlin stopped speaking abruptly and turned to face his best friend. "I can't go back. What will people think? I'm supposed to be dead remember? I can't just walk back into the palace all heroic and expect people to be fine with the fact that their king has just returned from the dead! No Merlin I can never return." Arthur look at his loyal servant with such sorrow and sadness in his eyes that Merlin momentarily forgot what was at stake." can't give up Arthur. You never give up. You are Arthur Pendragon, King of Albion, greatest Warrior of all times and most of all Arthur you are a friend. The Arthur Pendragon I knew would never let his friends down. Ever." For a few seconds the two of them just stared at each other. Then Arthur rose to his feet, looked over the lake one last time then strode over to Merlins horse. "Where are you going?", Merlin shouted after him. "To Camelot of course! I never thought I'd say this but you're right Merlin. My people need me. I can't give up on them just as they would never give up in me. Well come on then don't just stand there! Pack up Merlin. We ride for Camelot tonight!" 

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