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"Merlin what took you so long?", Arthur said, glaring at his Manservant. Panting from his efforts to reach Arthur, Merlin grumbled: "You're very welcome Sire." "What did you say?" "Nothing my lord, nothing", Merlin sighed, helping his friend into his armour. "So what's your plan", he asked. After a quick pause Arthur launched into his idea. "Alright Merlin listen closely. I'm going to tell you this once, and once only." Rolling his eyes the young man prepared himself for one of his friends "battle-plan talks" as he used to call them. "First off you're going to have to make sure everyone is in the hall. Then you must signal to me by lighting the torches on the main gate. As soon as they are lit I shall make my way to you but before I show myself you must tell them that they must not panic. They must be ready for when I enter Merlin do you think you can do that?" "Of course I can!", Merlin relied indignantly. Arthur just gave him that typical Arthur look and made a shooing gesture at his friend, indicating that he should get to work. As Merlin ran towards the great hall he though about what was about to happen. He knew that whatever he said the people of Camelot would be suspicious of Arthur and he would have to prove himself before resuming the throne at Gwen's side. As he rounded a corner, deep in thought, me crashed straight into Gaius. Gaius was the court physician and Merlin's guardian. He was an old, but very wise man whom Merlin loved and trusted like a father."Ummff.." The old man stumbled backwards but managed to catch himself in time. "Gaius!", Merlin called, thrilled to see his guardian again. "Merlin what on earth is going on? Why did Sir Merrill want everyone to gather in the great hall?" "Gaius I'm sorry but I can't tell you. You're just going to have to trust me. Do you trust me?" Slowly the physician nodded and without another word rounded the bend and entered the hall. After a quick glance inside to make sure that everyone was present, Merlin raced to the gate to light the torches. When he stood outside the hall once more he took a deep breath and stepped inside.

A/N: Hello :) I really hope you're enjoying this story so far! If so, please, please, please give a feedback it would be much appreciated. Also if you have any ideas or wishes as to how the story continues, please let me know. Thank you to everyone who reads my story it really means a lot that you're taking to time to do so. Hope you like the rest of it!

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