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A short while later, Merlin was hurrying along a dark corridor with Arthur's armour and the mighty sword Excalibur in his arms. All of a sudden, he noticed a shadow moving quickly toward him. Swiftly, Merlin ducked behind a large tapestry hanging on the wall into a small alcove. The figure was walking fast, clearly intent on not being found. All of a sudden Merlin heard voices coming from around the corner but he stayed where he was, quiet as a mouse. Then, without warning, the figure burst through the tapestry and crashed headlong into the unsuspecting warlock. "Ahhhrrrrgggghhhh" The figure clapped their hand over Merlin's mouth to silence him and whispered:, "Shhhhh Merlin, it's me!" "Gwen?", Merlin asked through the figures hand, who he now was able to identify as the Queen of Camelot herself. "Yes now please be quiet!" They both fell silent and listened intently as the footsteps of the guards faded into the darkness. When they had passed, Gwen pulled her hand away from her friends mouth. "Gwen what are you doing down here, on your own, at this hour?" "I could ask you the same thing Merlin. And is that, is that Arthurs old armour and... Merlin what are you doing with Excalibur!" Thinking quickly, he stammered;"Well you see actually I often come down here to ummm polish Arthur's armour and sword out of uhhh respect." Crossing his finger behind his back, the young man put on his most innocent face and silently thanked God that it was dark. "Oh Merlin that's so kind of you. I miss him so much. I wish more than anything that he was here with us during these dark times." "Yes my lady. I do to.", Merlin said, barely managing to suppress a smile,"But tell me, what are you doing here?" "That is no concern of yours Merlin.", Gwen said, clearly flustered. "Gwen,", prompted Merlin," you know you can trust me. I'm your friend!" "I know I'm sorry Merlin it's just, well I don't want this getting out. It's not right for a Queen to be doing what I am." Merlin just gave her the you-know-you-can-trust-me-so-just-tell-me look. So with a sight she continued;" I leave the palace to visit the lower town so I can just feel like a normal person every once in a while. It drives me mad Merlin, being locked up in here, not even allowed to visit the market without being flanked by at least four knights. I just needed to clear my head. Can you understand that?" "Of course I can", Merlin answered with a sympathetic smile;" I'm sorry my lady. I should go." And with that, he bundled everything in his arms and hurried off to the north wall.

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