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Putting on a burst of speed, Arthur caught up with Merlin. They followed the dust through the winding paths and ally-ways of the lower town and then crossed the drawbridge into the Citadel. "But... but how could a sorcerer have hidden something in the Citadel?", Arthur panted, glancing over at his servant. To out of breath to answer, Merlin just shook his head in confusion. They raced up the stones steps and into the place itself, ever following the glowing ash of the hellhound.

"Where on earth is it going?", a now extremely frustrated Arthur growled. "If I knew that, we wouldn't be running after it now would we?", Merlin relied, almost as equally annoyed as his friend. They were about to give up when the dust slowed down, halting in front of the great double door which lead to the council chambers. Merlin and Arthur exchanged worried glances. "When we open these door, the dust stuff will fly in there and collide with the object that hold the rest of it's power correct?", the King asked, already formulating a plan in his mind. "Correct .",Merlin stated, watching him think. After listening at the door for a few minutes Arthur said; "There must be at least twenty people in there! How are we supposed the find this vessel then? You saw how fast the dust was before. We have no chance of catching it once the doors are open!" "Well, we'll just have to be quick then."Merlin grinned at his friend who rolled his eyes but couldn't completely hide his smile.

During all of this, the dust had just been hovering in front of the doors. Arthur gave it one last, disgust filled look then placed his hands on the door. "Ready Merlin?" "Ready." But before either of them had a chance to open them, the doors flew open and Gwen stepped out, her silky, purple dress swinging around her ankles. "Oh!", she exclaimed, clearly surprised to see her husband and his manservant standing in the hall. "Arthur, Merlin may I ask what you two are do-" But before she could finish, the ash had rocketed towards her and least either of the two men could move, it had vanished into her open mouth. "Gwen!!", they both cried in unison, as the Queen collapsed in a heap on the floor.

A/N: Sorry this chapter is so short... But as I'm on holiday right now I should be able to update quite regularly. Thanks for reading! :)

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