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Everything was white. Merlin didn't know where he was. Then, he was falling. Falling into darkness. Suddenly a forest, green and bright, materialised around the young sorcerer and he blinked in the sunlight, streaming through the trees. He stared around, taking in his surroundings. Merlin recognised this place from somewhere but he just couldn't put his finger on it. Abruptly, it dawned on him where he was. After another glance around he was sure. It was the Valley of the Fallen Kings. And Merlin knew why he was here. For not far from the clearing where he stood was the Crystal Cave. As soon as this thought passed through his mind, Merlin heard a voice behind him. He spun on his heel to face the newcomer. "Emrys, welcome back." It was Taliesin, the old warlock who had showed him the Cave for the first time. The old man stood before Merlin, his hair and beard white as snow and his brown robes trailing down form his thin frame, exactly as they had done the last time the two men had met. "Come Emrys, there is something you must see." Without a word, Merlin followed Taliesin deeper into the Valley.

A while later they had arrived and stood before the Crystal Cave, the alleged birthplace of magic. Still Merlin had not spoken. The young warlock did not want to enter the Cave. The last time he had, he had seen only death and destruction and had done everything in his power to stop the visions from happening. But by doing so Merlin had made them come true. "Emrys,", the old seer began,"I know you do not want to enter the Crystal Cave for fear of what the future might hold, but you must. You must know what is to come so you can prepare. Knowledge is power Emrys. You of all people should know that by now.", Taliesin gave Merlin a knowing smile. "It is your-" "Destiny. I know." Determined that this time he would not let what he saw cause him to make the same mistakes as last time, Merlin stepped inside the Crystal Cave. Instantly the dark was shattered by the glowing light of hundreds upon hundreds of gleaming crystals all along the floor, walls and ceiling. Merlin closed his eyes one last time, for he knew when he next opened them he would see the future reflected in the crystals. Gathering all his courage, the young warlock slowly opened his blue eyes and stared into the nearest crystal. Images flashed across the polished surface of the white stone. An inferno blazed in a tower that Merlin had never seen before. An army marched upon Camelot. With a jolt he realised that the soldiers bore no weapons but wore long, hooded robes instead. "Sorcerers. Camelot will be attacked by magic.", though Merlin desperately. He saw the knights readying themselves for war and he saw bloody battles. He saw people fleeing the city. And he saw a girl. A young girl who was not running away from the battle like everyone else, but towards it, with a determined look on her pale face. Merlin immediately recognised her but he couldn't think where from. Somewhere deep inside him something stirred at the sight of that girl, dressed in torn rags, covered in grime with her long, dark hair streaming out behind her small body and Merlin knew he had to find her. She would help him save Albion. That girl would decide, as he himself had once done, the future of a mighty kingdom.

Suddenly Merlin felt he like he was being violently shaken. He blinked and the girl, the visions and cave were gone. Instead he was staring at a very worried looking Arthur who had in fact, up until the point Merlin had opened his eyes, been holing onto his shoulders and shaking his manservant. Abruptly, Arthur let go and his expression changed into one of annoyance. "What was that for, tricking me like that? I thought you were having some sort of seizure or something, not a stupid nightmare." "Your concern is truly touching.", mumbled a rather grumpy Merlin. "What did you say?", Arthur growled. "Nothing Arthur, nothing." Quickly changing the subject Merlin asked;" How long was I asleep for?" "Three days.", came the curt reply. "But you're fine now so I suggest you get yourself cleaned up and then come and collect my armour so you can polish it. Oh and my clothes need washing, my chambers need tiding and the stables need mucking out." Then Arthur strode out of the room. But he was unable to hide his slightly flustered face after being caught looking like he cared for a servant so much. Sighing, Merlin pushed himself of the bed and headed out for a wash. But who was that girl? And where did he know her from? These thoughts accompanied the young man for the rest of the day.A while later they had arrived and stood before the Crystal Cave, the alleged birthplace of magic. Still Merlin had not spoken. The young warlock did not want to enter the Cave. The last time he had, he had seen only death and destruction and had done everything in his power to stop the visions from happening. But by doing so Merlin had made them come true. "Emrys,", the old seer began,"I know you do not want to enter the Crystal Cave for fear of what the future might hold, but you must. You must know what is to come so you can prepare. Knowledge is power Emrys. You of all people should know that by now.", Taliesin gave Merlin a knowing smile. "It is your-" "Destiny. I know." Determined that this time he would not let what he saw cause him to make the same mistakes as last time, Merlin stepped inside the Crystal Cave. Instantly the dark was shattered by the glowing light of hundreds upon hundreds of gleaming crystals all along the floor, walls and ceiling. Merlin closed his eyes one last time, for he knew when he next opened them he would see the future reflected in the crystals. Gathering all his courage, the young warlock slowly opened his blue eyes and stared into the nearest crystal. Images flashed across the polished surface of the white stone. An inferno blazed in a tower that Merlin had never seen before. An army marched upon Camelot. With a jolt he realised that the soldier bore no weapons but wore long, hooded robes instead. "Sorcerers. Camelot will be attacked by magic.", though Merlin desperately. He saw the knights reading themselves for war and he saw bloody battles. He saw people fleeing the city. And he saw a girl. A young girl who was not running away from the battle like everyone else, but towards it, with a determined look on her pale face. Merlin immediately recognised her but he couldn't think of where from. Somewhere deep inside him something stirred at the sight of that girl, dressed in torn rags, covered in grime with her long, chestnut hair streaming out behind her small body and Merlin knew he had to find her. She would help him save Albion. That girl would decide, as he himself had once done, the future of a mighty kingdom.

Suddenly Merlin felt he like he was being violently shaken. He blinked and the girl, the visions and cave were gone. Instead he was staring at a very worried looking Arthur who had in fact, up until the point Merlin had opened his eyes, been holing onto his shoulders and shaking his manservant. Abruptly, Arthur let go and his expression changed into one of annoyance. "What was that for, tricking me like that? I thought you were having some sort of seizure or something, not a stupid nightmare." "Your concern is truly touching.", mumbled a rather grumpy Merlin. "What did you say?", Arthur growled. "Nothing Arthur, nothing." Quickly changing the subject Merlin asked;" How long was I asleep for?" "Three days.", came the curt reply. "But you're fine now so I suggest you get yourself cleaned up and then come and collect my armour so you can polish it. Oh and my clothes need washing, my chambers need tiding and the stables need mucking out." Then Arthur strode out of the room. But he was unable to hide his slightly flustered face after being caught looking like he cared for a servant so much. Sighing, Merlin pushed himself of the bed and headed out for a wash. But who was that girl? And where did he know her from? These thoughts accompanied the young man for the rest of the day.

A/N: Sorry for taking so long with the next chapter! :// I'm away right now so I won't be able to update as regularly as before. Hope to get the next part up soon though :) Thanks for reading and please let me know what you think!

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