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For a while, Alia continued to stare wide-eyed at Merlin and Arthur. They in turn continued smile at her, the relief painted clearly across their faces. Then, out of the blue, Alia launched herself at the pair and engulfed them in the tightest hug she could possibly muster. Instinctively, the two men hugged her back just as hard. "Arthur I'm sorry I didn't stay on the hill like you told me to. I know you were trying to protect me but I just couldn't stand by and do nothing!" Alia's slender face was full of emotion as she fixed Arthur with those large blue eyes of hers. The King nodded at her and so she turned to face her brother. "Merlin, I..." But before she make another sound, Merlin had wrapped his arms around her once more. "It's alright Alia. I forgive you. But, can you ever forgive me?" Alia pulled away to look into his familiar bright eyes and grinned. "Of course." Merlin's face was flushed with relief and happiness until Arthur, being the insensitive dollophead that he was, decided to ruin the moment by bringing them all back down to the cold, hard reality. "Great. Now we're all friends again we should probably think about how we're going to, I don't know, get out of here alive!" Both Alia and Merlin simultaneously rolled their eyes at the King and then proceeded to burst out laughing.

Sadly, that moment did not last long for they heard footsteps and voices entering the archives. "Find them!", a voice bellowed, "I want them dead! All three of those arrogant little fools!" "Mordred.", Alia breathed fear clutching at her throat like an icy hand. Automatically, Merlin and Arthur moved in front of the Druid girl to protect her if need be. This small gesture made a warm shiver run down Alia's spine and she felt braver, stronger somehow, knowing these two men would always stand by her.

Then there was a shout from beyond the secret door. "No! I won't do it anymore!" There was a crash and then all was silent again. "Calm yourself Mordred. You must not let your mind waver or you will lose them all!" The dark warlock was talking to himself, Merlin realised. But what could he mean? And what was that shout? Quickly, he began scanning his brain for anything that might help them. Then he gasped. "What is it Merlin?", Arthur asked, worried. "Remember Mordred's army of sorcerers?" Arthur groaned. "Yes Merlin I do actually since they are trying to kill us." The King's manservant quickly continued, unperturbed; "Why didn't I realise it before! I'm so stupid!" "We've established that already. Now get to the point!" "It's their eyes! They give it all away! And the Wyvern. Their eyes all glow red. I've read about that somewhere, it's a sign of telepathy. Mordred is controlling all their minds."

Merlin words spilled out of his mouth, tumbling over one another making what he was saying almost incomprehensible. But when Arthur and Alia finally understood, their faces turned into masks of horror. "But that takes enormous amounts of power! There is no way he's that strong!" "He's using the power of the sorcerers he's controlling. He's draining them. But all that power won't last forever. And when it runs out..." "Every single one of those magicians will die.", Alia finished the sentence. Merlin nodded gravely.

"What was that shout about though? Is the power running out already?", Arthur inquired, worried. "No. But Mordred is blinded by rage. He can't concentrate. He is letting his mind slip. That's his weakness!" "Shhhh!" Alia put a finger to her lips and motioned to her ear. Abruptly they realised that there was no sound coming from the achieves anymore. Then, slowly, someone right outside the door began to clap. "So I hear you've figured out why all of these poor, innocent people are helping me. Well done.", Mordred drawled, "Now, why don't you all come out and face me. Or will you hide out in there for the rest of your miserable lives, like the cowards you are." "That's it.", Arthur snarled as he reached for his sword, "I'm going out there." Merlin swiftly grabbed his arm, holding him back. "No Arthur. I'm going to talk to him. Maybe we can make him see sense." "Merlin you can't reason with him he's insane!", Alia whispered, desperately. But the young sorcerer had already slipped out of the small room, closing the door with a heavy thunk behind him.

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