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A/N: So this is the newest chapter and I've made sure to do it right this time :P Sorry about that! I hope you like it and please give me some feedback!!!

Three months had passed since Alia had arrived in Camelot and she was learning fast. The young girl had been working hard and was now known to be a very skilled healer. And she had also grown very accomplished at using her powers to treat the sick and wounded. It seemed that everyone had taken a shine to this strange but bright and kind girl who had appeared out of nowhere. Especially Arthur. He had taken Alia under his wing and had grown extremely fond of the physicians assistant. She was like the little sister he never had, the King thought, quickly shoving the memories of Morgana out of his mind.

Merlin too was happy, but there was something that had been nagging him at the back of his mind ever since Gwen had been possessed by the spirit of a hellhound. Every night, as he lay staring at the ceiling, the feeling would return and he would push it away. But it wouldn't leave him alone.


"Gaius! Where is he? Someone fetch him now!", Sir Gareth yelled as he rode up to the stone steps of the palace with the rest of the knights in tow. "We need help! Quickly!" A crowd of people had begun to gather around the group of knights by the time Alia arrived on the scene. "Gaius is still asleep.", she informed Sir Gareth, "So for now you'll have to make do with me. Now, what happened this time?", Alia bent down to examine the wounded knight who lay, barely conscious, on the ground before her. "We were out patrolling the boarders as usual when another one of those creatures attacked us. The Serkets are everywhere! They've surrounded the entire kingdom!", the panicked knight explained. The Serkets were a vicious race of giant scorpions, who's enormous stings were always dripping with lethal venom. "Aragon.", Alia whispered, her blood boiling with rage. A little too savegely she tore open the little leather bag of basic supplies she always carried with her which suddenly ripped, spilling everything on the ground. Cursing, she searched for and eventually found a small vile which contained a yellowish almost see-through liquid. "I'm very sorry, but this might hurt a bit.", she proceeded to pour the liquid over the deep cut on the mans back. It hissed viciously and the man winced in pain. Quickly, Alia smeared a brown paste on the wound and bandaged it, muttering a spell as she did. Her eyes flashed gold and the man sighed with relief. Rising from her crouched position she ordered; "We need to get him to Gaius' chambers immediately. Don't worry he'll be fine. I will follow as soon as possible." Swiftly, two other knights picked up the wounded man, who groaned in pain, and began to carry him up the steps and towards the physicians quarters.

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