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"Merlin, go fetch Gaius.", Arthur flicked his wrist at Merlin who gritted his teeth and muttered, "Right away Sire.", and with one last meaningful glance at Alia, he left. Alia stared worriedly after him. What should she say? Should she say anything? What if she accidentally offended the King? "So Alia,", Arthur turned and smiled at the strange girl, "you know Merlin then?." "Yes, my lord. He used to visit the camp every now and again and he would look after me when my mother was working.", she answered shyly. "Did he now?",Arthur felt a stab of hurt that his friend had not told him of this.. "So your mother was a healer? And your father?" "Oh. He was a umm, a traveler. He could never stay in one place for long so after he met my mother and had me he left. I never really knew him, only of him." Alia's big blue eyes suddenly began to fill with tears again, taking Arthur by surprise. "Then my mother became gravely ill herself with a disease for which there was no cure and... and she died. So I went out to search for my father. But when I came back I found that my home had been burned to the ground.", she continued, her voice breaking as the tears streamed down her face. "Oh!", Arthur quickly walked over to the young girl, who was now sobbing into her hands, and laid an uncomfortable hand on her back. "I'm so sorry. Truly I am. I will do everything in my power to make your life here as comfortable and enjoyable as possible.", the King gave her a small smile which she gratefully returned. Arthur had no idea how to handle this but to his relief there was a knock on the door and he hurried to open it.

"Ah Gaius thank you for coming at such short notice! I trust Merlin has informed you about everything.", he glanced at Merlin, who looked away quickly. "Yes, yes I know.", the old physician looked around the room until she spotted Alia sitting quietly at the table. "Ah! You must be the young lady Alia. Welcome to Camelot.", he smiled warmly at her and she smiled back, immediately taking a shine to the old man. "I hear you have some experience in the art of healing?" Alia nodded vigorously and replied; "Yes sir my mother was the healer in our camp." "Ah yes! Merlin told me you were a Druid. How wonderful!". Alia smiled happily at the old man. Merlin was standing next to Gaius, and giving her that goofy grin they shared. "Well then," Gaius said brightly, ",if you would be so kind as to follow me I shall show you where you shall be living from now on. Merlin you don't mind if Alia has your room right? Oh of course you don't." Alia had to cover her mouth with her hand to stop her from laughing at the look on Merlins face. Arthur wasn't quite able to conceal his glee and he let out a bark of laughter. "I'm sure you don't mind sleeping on the floor in my quarters do you?", Gains lifted an eyebrow and grinned at Merlin who chuckled and looked over at Alia; "No. Of course not." "Great. Come along then my dear and we'll get you settled. Tomorrow you start work. Does that sound reasonable?" Again, Alia nodded happily and then she followed Gaius out of the Kings chambers, curtsying as she went. After the two of them had gone, Arthur rounded on Merlin, a smug look on his handsome face. 

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