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Suddenly, Arthur plummeted into the water that he had been so easily striding across and did not reappear. Panic struck Merlin and he dove head first into the icy water, searching for Arthur. For almost a minuet, Merlin did not surface and the water went still, once again looking like a cold, black mirror. All of a sudden, he burst through the water, dragging the young king with him. Slowly but steadily the pair struggled toward the shore. But Arthur had been knocked out and Merlin could not support his weight and the two of them sank beneath the icy waves. Anyone passing by would never have known that two men were drowning right before their very eyes. Seconds went by and still there was no sign of the sorcerer and the king who were lost beneath the water of the lake. Then, bursting through the dark came a glow. That glow spread and grew brighter and brighter. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, Merlin shot out of the water clutching Arthurs lifeless body at his side. Coughing and spluttering he dragged himself and Arthur onto the shore. Immediately he begann shaking his friends body calling for him to wake up. Then, without warning, Arthur begann coughing and chocking and spat out a large amount of water. "That's it Arthur, breathe, breathe." When all the water was out of his lungs, Arthur focused his vision on Merlin. "Merlin?" What, what happened? What are you doing here? What am I doing here?" With tears of joy in his eyes, Merlin hugged his long lost friend close and did not let go until Arthur began to protest. "Merlin what in Gods name are you doing get off me!". "Oh it's Arthur alright", Merlin thought to himself with a grin. "Stop grinning like a fool and tell what's going on you idiot!", Arthur huffed, clearly himself again. "Don't you remember Arthur? The final battle? You reunited Albion? Arthur, you died." Blinking with confusion, the young king looked up at his old friends face. Abruptly, is expression changed and he stared out onto the lake. "I remember now", he murmured, "But how am I here? How am I alive?" Merlin. still grinning, said, "I don't know Arthur. I don't know."

The Rise of Arthur PendragonWhere stories live. Discover now