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Merlin hugged her back just as tightly. It felt good to have someone to talk to. Someone he could confide in and someone he knew he could trust, despite not being able to remember where they had met before. "Alright Alia, I think we should get some rest. It's getting dark.", Merlin motioned for her to lie down beside the fire and added, "I'll take first watch." Alia compiled and lay down, covering herself with her cloak. Just before she drifted off she mumbled; "It's good to see you again Merlin." But before he could ask, her eyes had closed and she was snoring softly.

"Wake up Emrys! I mean Merlin. We have to get going!", a very exited Alia screamed at him waking him from his dreamless sleep. She grabbed him and start shaking him. "Come on! I want to meet the King!" Grumbling, Merlin sat up and stared groggily at Alia, who looked like a five-year-old on Christmas morning. "Alight, alright I'm coming." Her enthusiasm was contagious and soon the pair were happily making they're way back to Camelot, picking fresh berried to eat for breakfast on the way. They chatted as they went and Merlin learned that Alia had grown up in the camp and had been raised by the Druids there. Her mother had died when she was young and she had hardly ever seen her father. In fact, she hadn't seen him for years. She quietly confessed that she suspected him to be dead. But when he asked her if she had any sibling she quickly changed the subject. And all to soon they had reached to city walls and Merlins good mood had evaporated at the thought of facing Arthur. He had resolved to just tell him the truth and ask for Alia to be given a position in the royal household. Alia saw his face darken and asked in a low voice; "What will Arthur do?" Sighing, Merlin told her; "Oh he'll probably put me in the stocks for a few days and give me heaps of cruel and unnecessary chores to do." Alia winced at that but Merlin just grinned at her; "Don't worry I'm used to it." And he lead the way up to the gates and through the lower town all the way up to the palace with the young Druid trailing behind him. When they both stood before Arthurs chambers, Merlin glanced at Alia once more and lifted his fist to knock on the door. Almost immediately they were flung open and a red faced Arthur appeared behind them. "Merlin! Where on earth have you been?? You my friend, are in a LOT of troub-" He stopped mid word after having spotted Alia hovering shyly behind Merlin. "I see you've brought a friend.", he glared at Merlin then hissed, "Get in here and we'll discuss your punishment later." Rolling his eyes, the Kings manservant stepped inside and motioned for Alia to do the same. The two of them followed Arthur to the large table in the centre of the room and he gestured for Alia to take a seat. When Merlin stared to sit down too, Arthur snapped; "Not you, Merlin." Sighing Merlin took up his usual position, standing beside the King as he addressed Alia; "So young lady, who, may I ask, would you be?" "M-my name is Alia your highness.", the young girl stammered. "I see. Where have you come from Alia? Why are you here? And how do you know Merlin?" As Merlin had instructed she told Arthur the truth; "I am a Druid Sire,", at that Arthur flinched but covered it up quickly, "I lived in a Druid camp in the forest of Brechfa but it was attacked by Aragons soldiers a few weeks ago and destroyed. I have journeyed far to get here so I could ask for work. I have no more family and Merlin was the only person I know, of whom I knew where he was. I don't know what to do anymore! I have no money and no place to live but I can clean and cook and I was hoping I could find work here. I'm desperate...", she trailed off, with a hopeless expression on her young, pale face. Arthur, being kind-hearted and feeling that it was his duty to help his subjects immediately agreed to give her a position in the palace. "Do you know anything about medicine Alia?", Arthur asked the young girl. "I do Sire! My Mother was a great healer.", Alia replied eagerly. So it was decided that Alia should become Gaius' assistant. "Perfect! Now Gaius has full time help and Merlin here has more time to work for me.",Arthur declared with a smirk. Merlin groaned internally. Great. This was just what he needed.

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