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The ground began to shake as chunks of stone and rubble rained down upon Merlin, Arthur and Alia, who still stood in the centre of the archives. "Alia!" Merlin shouted and motioned for her to run towards them. "We have to get out of here! Now!", Arthur had already started in the direction of the door but Merlin didn't move. He grabbed Alia by the hand and said; "We don't have time. The entire palace is going to collapse on top of us if we don't stop it." "Merlin this is no time to play the hero! Now come on!!",Arthur yelled from the other side of the room. Alia could hear the desperation in his voice but she knew Merlin was right. They would never make it above ground before they were crushed under the crumbling castle. "Alia I need you to trust me." Alia nodded as he held her other hand as well. "Neither of us has enough power to stop this by ourselves, so we have to work together alright? But even with the two of us we're going to need some extra help. I know you've never done this before but you have to trust me." Merlin took Alia's hand in his own. "It's in your blood." Alia was watching their hands, confused. But then it dawned on her what it was Merlin wanted to do. "I can't Merlin. I've never done it before... I don't even know if I'm strong enough!" She let go of Merlin and took a step back, her eyes lowered to the ground. Merlin moved closer to his sister and spoke softly; "Listen to me Alia. I know you're afraid but I need you to trust me. I can't do this alone. I need you. Arthur needs you. Albion needs you! Please Alia." Crouching slightly to be able to look into those familiar blue eyes Merlin said. "I believe you can do this. Now the only thing left is for to believe it too." Taking a deep breath Alia straightened up and returned Merlin's stare. Then she nodded. "Wait, what about him?" She gestured at Mordred, who had now collapsed in a heap on the cold stone, still awake and staring around in horror."I know. We'll get him out as well. I promise." Merlin took a deep breath. "Ready?", he asked softly. "Ready."

The pair closed their eyes and Alia felt a something flow from Merlin's palms, which were wrapped tightly around her own, into her. He had sent her the spell. Alia had never felt more powerful in her entire life. Then, as if they were one, the two Dragonlords open their mouths and minds and called on the dragons.

"O drakon, e male so ftengometta tesd'hup'anankes! O drakon, fthengomai au se kalon su katerkheo deuro! Nun de ge dei s'eikein kai emois epe'essin hepesthai!" Merlin and Alia's voices rang out clear through the dark, dusty room. Bouncing off the walls and shelves and echoing in the vast hall. The two Dragonlords stood dead centre, hands held tight, eyes closed. Arthur stood beside them, no longer yelling at them to leave and Mordred hand't moved. Around them the castle was crumbling. Pieces of stone crashing down like hailstones and the ground rumbling like it was about to spilt wide open and devour everything and everyone on it. It was chaos.

Then, a new sound erupted from somewhere far away. An earsplitting roar that could only mean one thing. The dragons had arrived.

"Well, well what have you done now, young warlock. And you, Alia.", a deep voice chuckled in Merlin and Alia's minds. "Expect me to clean up after you again do you?" Kilgharrah's tone was teasing but Merlin was not in the mode for jokes. "Help us!", he told the dragon. "Why, this is quite a mess you gotten yourselves into isn't it? But do not fear young warlocks, for I brought some help." Another roar filled the room. "Aithusa!", Alia exclaimed, joyfully. "Kilgharrah please!", Merlin repeated his plea for help. Kilgahrrah chortled again. "How impatient you are. Now, free your minds. Let us in."

A/N: I really, really, REALLY hope you enjoy the last few chapters. I worked really hard on them and I hope you like the way it will end! Please let me know what you think and share it if you like it!

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