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"Aha!", the old physician stared at a drawing on page of the book. He studied it carefully. Standing there is his long brown robes and his shoulder length silver hair, his brow furrowed in concentration, Arthur could picture him as he had been all those years ago when he had helped Uther raise the young Prince. All of a sudden Arthur felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude toward his old friend. "Yes... yes I believe I have found the creature that is to blame for these unfortunate deaths Sire.", Gaius muttered bringing Arthur back to the real world. Clearing his throat Arthur asked; "What is it Gaius?" "It is called a Hellhound my lord. It is a black spirit hound, with bright red eyes, that stalks around at night killing every living thing it encounters. It sucks the life right out of it's victims bodies." Gaius pointed at the picture that showed exactly what he had just described. A huge, fearsome looking hound with pitch black fur and red eyes that seemed to glow even on the faded paper. It's mouth was curled into a gruesome snarl and saliva was dripping from it's fangs. The Kings face paled. "Where has it come from?" "Well, my theory is that the Lord Aragon must have conjured him to reek havoc in Camelot.",came the reply from Gaius. Nodding, his voice strong once more, Arthur asked,; "So how do we stop it?" Gaius glanced at Merlin who had been hovering silently in the background and before he had opened his mouth, Arthur knew the answer. "With magic."

Merlin gave Arthur a sheepish grin which, one again, caused the King to feel a mix of emotions. Sighing, he turned back to Gaius and snapped; "Do what you must." "Sire I'm sure you know this already, but magic has been restored to the land of Albion.", the physician stated tentatively. "Yes of course I know Gaius. I'm just not quite accustomed to it yet.", Arthur replied, suddenly ashamed of his reaction. "Now a hellhound can only be conjured by an exceptionally powerful sorcerer but even they need a vessel.", the old man remarked. Before Arthur could ask, Gaius continued; "A vessel is usually an object of some sort in which power is stored. In this beasts case, the energy that is needed for it to appear every night is held within the object. Destroy the object and the hound will die." Gritting his teeth the young Pendragon turned to face the young sorcerer and after considering him for a minuet said; "Well then Merlin it seems we have work to do." Then he turned on his heals and left, leaving his confused manservant to scamper out after his master.

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