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As Alia hurried along the corridor to the Kings chambers, she collieded with a very stressed looking Merlin, who carried all of Arthur's armour in his arms. "Woah watch where you're going.", Merlin grinned at her but stopped quickly, noticing the look on her face. "Again?",he asked simply. "Again.",she confirmed, her face grim. Without another word they headed straight for the Kings chambers.

Merlin burst through the doors, not bothering to knock, with Alia right on his heals. There was a startled yelp as Arthur, who had apparently just been in the act of getting dressed, scurried behind the door. "Oh!", Alia let out a surprised gasp and covered her eyes with her hands. "Merlin what the hell was that all about?", Arthur hissed angrily, "Now get me some clothes you idiot!" Unable to suppress a grin, Merlin calmly walked over to the dresser and brought Arthur something to wear. Once the King was decent he muttered, his face red with embarrassment; "You um, you can look now Alia." Slowly removing her hands from her face, Alia grinned at the floor. Clearing his throat Arthur said; "So, what seems to be the problem?" Abruptly, Alia's demeanour changed; "There has been another attack Sire. Sir Gareth said that the kingdom is surrounded." Arthurs face paled, then reddened suddenly with anger. Then, all of a sudden he collapsed onto his four poster bed, his head buried in his hands. "I don't know what to do anymore...", the King groaned, "We've had three attacks in this week alone and no means of defending ourselves. Have you still not found some sort of spell or something that will drive these beasts out of my kingdom?", he lifted his head hopefully, only to see both Merlin and Alia sadly shaking their heads. "We've tried everything Arthur!", Merlin began, "But it seems that Aragon has put some sort of protective spell over them." Clenching his fists Arthur asked; "And how to they always know exactly where our patrols will be?" That's when it hit Merlin. How did they know? It was always a secret. Not even the knights knew until they were ready to depart. And how on earth had someone managed to get inside the castle to enchant the Queen? He himself had been the only sorcerer in the palace at the time. "Merlin are you alright?", Alia asked cautiously, for Merlin had gone white as a sheet. "There is a traitor in Camelot. We have been betrayed by one of the knights.", he murmured, barely audible. "What?", Arthur leapt to his feet, "But that ludicrous!" "No it's not!", Merlin insisted, "Think about it Arthur, how else would the Serkets know where the patrols were? And how else could someone have cast a spell on Gwen?" "He's right Arthur.", Alia said, quietly. "No,! I know my knights. I trust them! None of them would do this...", he trailed off, realising it was the only possible explanation. The other two looked at their King with eyes full of sympathy. They both knew how important loyalty was to him and how much this must hurt. "Arthur... I'm so sor-", began Alia,but she was cut off by Arthur, "No. I don't want your pity. I want this traitor found. I want him punished. I want him on his knees begging for mercy.", Arthur's voice was low and harsh. Merlin knew Arthur well enough to know that he would not eat, he would not sleep, he would not stop until the infiltrator had been brought to justice.

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