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And they lasted for three whole days. After Arthur had appeared in the great hall, wearing his shining, sliver armour and holding Excalibur in his hands, most of his people had had no doubt that the man who stood before them was in fact Arthur Pendragon, King of Albion. Merlin too, was greatly celebrated for brining Arthur home safely and he spent most of those three days recounting exactly what had happened at the lake and all about their journey back to Camelot. When the festivities ended, Arthur retired to his chambers with Gwen to rest whilst Merlin returned to the chambers he shared with Gaius. Later that day, the King summoned Merlin and when his friend had sat down in front of him Arthur looked him deep into those astonishing blue eyes and whispered wide eyed; "Merlin. Are you truly a sorcerer?" Merlin had been dreading this moment ever since Arthur had been returned but he had always known that it would come. And he was prepared. With a sigh the warlock answered; "Yes Arthur. I am." Even though he had been expecting it, the young King gasped and closed his eyes. When he opened them he found himself staring once again into his friends eyes, now open wide with worry and guilt. "Arthur listen to me I can explain-", Merlin attempted to reason with him but was cut off by Arthur. "No Merlin there is no explanation. You are a sorcerer and in all this time that you have been by my side you never told me." "That's not fair Arthur. You know why I didn't tell you.", Merlin whimpered his voice low and full of pain, "I wanted to Arthur. I desperately wanted to tell but I couldn't. I didn't know how you would react! You could have had me killed." "I would never do that and you know it.", Arthur snapped, his grey eyes flashing. "I know Arthur but with you father around I just... I just couldn't risk it. I'm sorry Arthur." For a minute they just sat there Arthur's cold eyes boring into Merlin's sorrow filled ones. Just then there was a knock at the door and they both jumped. Sir Gareth stuck his head around the door and said;" Sire, you are wanted out in the courtyard. It's urgent." He glanced at Merlin who immediately shot up, bowed his head and with one last anguished look at his best friend, he left. Arthur stayed where he was, staring after him until Sir Gareth spoke again, reminding the King that he was urgently needed bringing him back from his thoughts. "Yes of course. I'm sorry Sir Gareth let us go." Hurrying down and out into the cool autumn air Arthur was met with a terrible sight.

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