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After dismounting his horse, Merlin made his way through the trees to a small lake with a tall stone tower on a tiny island in the middle of the water. Sadly, Merlin stared across the dark mass toward the tower and wondered where Arthur was now. For this was the exact place the great warrior had taken his final breath. When the battle for Albion was over, Merlin had tried to get his friend to the lake, for it had healing properties and the young sorcerer had hoped Arthur could be saved. "We were so close.", thought Merlin with tears in his eyes,"A few more steps and Arthur would still be alive today. It's my fault he's dead. I couldn't get him to the water fast enough. I killed him." Merlin kneeled down next to the water as a tear fell from his eye into the lake. "I'm sorry Arthur. I'm so sorry." He let his hand slide into the cool wet. As soon as he did this he felt his power returning to him. His outburst of magic at the battle against Lord Aragon's men had drained him and the Lake Avalon was where he came to revive himself and remember his lost friend. "Remember when I accidentally gave you the ears of an ass? Or the time someone slipped you a love potion and made you fall madly in love with that beautiful but vain princess?" For hours he sat there staring out across the waters of the final resting place of Arthur Pendragon and keeping his memories alive. Then, with a sad smile, Merlin closed his eyes and fell asleep on the banks of the Lake Avalon. His last thought before he drifted off was, "Albion's need is greater than ever before. Arthur, my friend, where are you?"

Merlin awoke to a blinding light shining through his closed eyelids. It was coming from the the small island in the middle of the lake. Rubbing his eyes he sat up and squinted at the light, trying to make out what was causing the mysterious glow. Suddenly he saw it. There was a figure in the centre of the light, striding across the water as if it were solid ground. The figure was heading straight towards the young warlock. After a few more paces Merlin could see that the figure was human. It was the shape of a tall, young man. With a jolt, Merlin realised who he he was. "No.", thought Merlin, "It can't be! It's not possible! But then... Who else could it be?" As the figure drew closer Merlin saw for certain that he was right. "Arthur! Arthur!",with shouts of joy Merlin leapt into the water, towards the unmistakable figure of Arthur Pendragon.

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