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A/N: Hey! I'm so sorry it's taken so long but I've finished! I'll put up the last couple chapters right now. I'm not quite happy with it but hey it's my first go. I did work really hard on it and I hope you enjoy reading it! If you do, please comment and share! Thank you!

Alia breathed out and let go. She felt a strange sensation in her stomach and opened her eyes. The first thing she saw was Merlin, standing before her in his dusty brown jacket, his torn and muddy blue shirt and his red necktie which, by some miracle, had managed to cling to his throat. Then she turned and spotted both Kilgharrah and Aithusa sitting to her right. She gazed around and realised that they were no long in the archives, but in a forest. "Where are we?" "Have you ever had a dream that felt so real? A place you visited in your sleep?", Merlin grinned, "This is it." Alia's mouth fell open. But before she could speak Kilgharrah had begun to talk, his voice raspy and low; "Now then young warlocks, it seems that the Druid has brought chaos upon us all. It will not be easy to restore the balance but if we work in harmony, we can defeat the evil that has arrived in Camelot. The boy has wielded to much power. It should not even be possible. So to destroy what he has created we must use the same power." Alia could not believe what she was hearing. "You want us to channel the power of an entire army?" Kilgharrah faced the young girl, his face solemn; "Yes. That's exactly what I want us to do." "How?", was all Merlin said. "Think young warlock. How would you do it?" "I don't know!" Merlin was getting more and more frustrated with the dragon. "Why won't you just give us a clear answer!" "Oh but that wouldn't be half as much fun would it?" The great dragon smirked at the sorcerer. By now Merlin was fuming. But he buried his anger and thought. Closing his eyes he tried to figure out how they should proceed. "Merlin?", Alia laid a hand on his arm and murmured, "I know you can do this. Miracles can happen you know.", she grinned at him cheekily, "Just like Arthur came back to us, an idea will come to you." Merlin's eyes snapped open. "That's it! Even the four of us together would never have enough energy to equal that of an army. We need help." Alia gazed at him confused, where as Kilgharrah gave him an approving look. "It's just like you said Alia, we need a miracle! The same miracle that returned Arthur to us." He watched Alia, waiting to see if she would cotton on, but she did not seem to understand what he was proposing. "We need the White Goddess." A look of understanding dawned on Alia's young face and she said,"Yes of course!" Kilgharrah roared and both Alia and Merlin received the spell he had given them instantly. Once more, Merlin grabbed one of Alia's hands and put the other gently on the great dragons wing. Alia took her brother's hand and and placed her other on Aithusa's neck. Kilgharrah spread his wing so it covered Aithusa's back. Then the two sorcerers began to chant; "Yfel gæst ga þu fram þisse lichaman. Biþ hire mod eft freo. Ar ond heofontungol sceal þurhswiþan!" The air around them seemed to boil and a hot wind blasted around their ears. Still they chanted. It became harder and harder to hold on to the magic. And still they clung to each other, chanting the incantation over and over again. "Yfel gæst ga þu fram þisse lichaman. Biþ hire mod eft freo. Ar ond heofontungol sceal þurhswiþan!" Then, a ring of power exploded outwards from the four and tore away, rushing over the land around them. The pressure grew to such strengths, that Alia could no longer hold it so she let go and collapsed, panting on the ground. When she next opened her eyes she was in the archives once again, with Merlin lying beside her and Arthur scrambling to his feet at the other end of the room. Suddenly, she noticed that the floor was no longer shaking and no stone was raining down upon them anymore. "We, we did it.", she breathed, in disbelieve. "Yes, yes we did.", Merlin, who had sat up, confirmed, grinning.

Arthur came rushing over, punching the air. But before he reached them, Alia stood up shakily and tottered over to where Mordred was still sprawled, now oblivious to the world around him. She seized his listless arm with both hands and proceeded to drag him across the floor to where Merlin and Arthur were watching her. Arthur could see that her strength was leaving her so he walked over from where he had been, bent next to Merlin, to help her bring Mordred back to where he sat."I'm not leaving him. He has a good heart. We just have to show it to him.", the young Druid muttered. The two men nodded. "Right, we should, we should get..." Alia tried to stand but her legs gave way and she fell, exhausted, into Arthur's arms. Then, it all went black.

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