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"MERLIN!" The Kings manservant abruptly snapped out of his thoughts about what he had witnessed when he had visited the Crystal Cave in his dream the night before. "Hmm? I mean what may be the problem Sire?", Merlin asked, nervously adjusting his red necktie. They were standing on the edge of the field where the knights gathered to train. "What the problem is?? What the problem is??? Take a look at me and see if you can figure it out by yourself." Merlin took a step back from Arthur because he had been helping him put on his armour for training. "Ah.", mumbled the young servant. For he had tried to put Arthurs armour on upside down which had resulted in Arthur getting rather stuck. "Well don't just stand there fix this you moron!", Arthur growled, glaring at his confused manservant. Right away Merlin started to unstrap the chest plate. Then, out of the corner of his eye he saw someone sprint across his field of vision and immediately stopped what he was doing. It was the girl from the Crystal Cave. Without thinking of the consequences, the sorcerer let go of Arthurs armour causing the King to stumble and fall at the sudden amount of weight that had been dropped on him. "Merlin what the - Hey! Where do you think you're going?? Get back here this instant! MERLIN!!!" But Merlin was already gone, tearing across the field after the girl and completely ignoring Arthurs angry yells. He ran as fast as he possible could, chasing the mystery girl. Finally she came to a halt in front of a tiny, derelict cottage on the edge of the village. It was more of a hut with it's muddy walls and windows so dirty you couldn't see inside. Quickly ducking behind a barrel, Merlin hid as the girl nervously looked around, making sure that the coast was clear. Then, when she was satisfied that no one was watching, she stepped inside. Making no noise at all, the young warlock crept up to the hut and tried to peer through the disgusting window. But it was no use. So he slid around the side of the building and pushed the warped wooden door, which opened just a fraction. While cautiously peeping into the cottage, Merlin took a tiny step forward, tripped over a stray chicken that was wandering by and fell. He tried in vain to hold onto a shelf that was on the wall next to the door which then promptly came crashing down on him with all of the pots and pans that were piled onto it. Cursing under his breath, Merlin jumped to his feet just in time to see the girl darting past him and out the door. "Wait! I didn't mean to frighten you! I just want to talk! Please wait, I mean you no harm!" The girl glanced back at him over her shoulder as if considering stopping, but then she shook her head and continued running toward the woods with Merlin at her heels.

"Stop! Please! I need to ask you something!", Merlin yelled after the young girl, "I don't want to hurt you! I just need your help!" But she would not listen to him. Merlin watched her long, brown hair flying out behind her. She wasn't dressed in the torn rags he had seen her in, in the dream. Instead she was wearing a brown dress, like the ones the servant in the palace wore, and a dark red cape that whipped around every time she turned a corner. Suddenly, Merlin found himself in a clearing but there was no sign of the girl. The turned his head left and right, scanning the area for any signs of movement but without success. He had lost her. Once again cursing under his breath Merlin tried to decide what to no next when a voice spoke from somewhere to his right. "What do you want from me?" Immediately Merlin spun to face the direction the voice had come from but he couldn't see anyone. "I'm Merlin. Please don't be afraid. I only want to talk to you." "Why?", came the reply, this time from behind him. "I, umm well it's a long story so why don't you come out and we can talk properly?" "Can I trust you?" "Yes." "Prove it." Merlin thought for a second. "How?", he asked. "I know who you really are. You're not Merlin. So prove to me that you truly are who I seek." A now very confused Merlin replied;" Who do you seek?" After a slight pause came the reply; "Emrys." 

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