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There was a soft click and then, silence. "We can't let him do this! He'll get himself killed!" Alia was screaming hysterically at Arthur who just stood there, completely dumbfounded at the truly stupid ideas his manservant came up with. "Aliese", Alia told the door. But nothing happened. "Alia what's wrong? Why won't it open?" Arthur took a tentative step towards his friend. She looked to small and frail. Her usually beautiful chestnut hair hung in strands around her thin face. Her dress and cloak were torn and grubby and there was a red gash across her right cheek. "Alia..." Arthur reached out a hand to touch Alia's arm but she slapped him away. "Mordred stole my magic. It's gone." Alia whispered, her voice so low it was almost nothing. The King sucked in a horrified breath. He knew what this meant for the young girl and he didn't know how he could possibly make it right again. "Alia look at me." The young Druid didn't move. "Alia." This time Arthur did not let her shake him off when he took hold of her arm and spun her around to face him. "We will get you powers back. I promise." Alia's face was expressionless. She did not react to Arthur and her piercing blue eyes seemed to stare right through him, unseeing.

Then, a cry went up outside the tiny chamber and the pair snapped to attention. "Merlin!! MERLIN!!!" Alia was hammering against the door with her small, white fists but it would not budge. "Step away from the door Alia." Something in Arthur's voice made her do as she was told. She turned and saw the determined look on his scratched and dirty face and she knew then that they would be alright.

"For Camelot!" Arthur's shout was full of determination as he charged at the fake bookshelf. With a crunch he collided with the solid wood and was thrown back. With a shake of his head Arthur bounded forwards again. "FOR CAMELOT!" For the second time, Arthur was thrown back by the sheer force of his own weight. But he did not give up. His whole body shaking, Arthur backed up as far as he could. His face was set and sweat was tricking down his face. Once more he cried; "FOR. CAMELOT!!!"

Maybe it was Arthur's muscle or maybe he had help from someone beyond their sight but this time, as he rammed the door with every ounce of strength he could muster, the was a loud crack as wood splintered and the door flew off it's hinges. Rubbing his shoulder, Arthur stood up straight and looked around. The room was now empty except for Merlin and Mordred who were stood, eyes locked, in the centre of the room. Slowly but intently, Alia and Arthur strode forward to stand on either side of their friend. Merlin glanced at each of them in turn, standing strong by his side. Never wavering, never failing.

Mordred took a step back in surprise. Fear was now written clearly across his gaunt face. Whatever Merlin had told him, he was afraid. "This is your last chance Mordred. Let those people go." Standing up taller, trying hard to seem fearless, the dark warlock replied,"No." Suddenly, Mordred threw out a hand and a burst of light erupted from his palm, rocketing towards the three, still standing strong. Immediately, Merlin's arm shot out to meet Mordred's spell and before anyone could move, it had ricochet off Merlin's protective enchantment and was pelting back towards it's conjuror. 

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