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"Unit two, are you ready to move out?" Bethany asked down her ear piece. The brunette was stations on the roof of an abandon house not to far from the HYDRA base they were striking. She was dressed in her Angel outfit, the mask of it across her eyes causing them to stand out.

"Unit two ready to move out Angel." A male voice replied. "Waiting for your signal."

"Mockingbird?" Bethany asked, her knees bent as she balanced atop the roof. At her feet lay a sniper and two guns were strapped to her thighs. A belt with grenades, extra bullets and light grenades was strapped around her waist and secured tightly at the front with a buckle shaped as Angel wings.

"Roof secure. Unit one are now your snipers on the walls." Deanna replied, she was standing on the highest point of the facility. The small blonde was dressed in her Mockingbird outfit, her own mask over her eyes and the very same belt as her partner around her waist, mockingbird wings on the buckle.

On her back a new higher tech quiver and arrows sat with a compact bow folded up and clipped onto it. In her right hand a pistol hung loosely. Standing around the blonde and stationed on all four outer walls of the facility were ten S.H.E.I.L.D Agents, all with locked and loaded snipers.

"Is it safe for unit two to move in?" Angel asked her fellow prodigy.

"Give the signal when you're ready Angel." Mockingbird replied. "Once they're in I'll begin phase three."

"Okay unit two wait for my signal." Angel commanded. Waiting for a few moments Angel watched her surroundings before raised her right hand ever so slightly, the reflection of the brass on her knuckles shining in the direction of the hidden fifteen S.H.E.I.L.D Agents.

Quickly all of them moved in, being extra careful not to be noticed by any HYDRA Agents inside. The S.H.E.I.L.D snipers watched closely as their fellow Agents advance and enter the building. Everything went silent for a moment, no sounds traveled through the ear pieces.

"Mockingbird you are clear to move in."

"Thanks Agent Cole." Deanna replied. "Right I'm going in."

"Careful Mockingbird." Bethany instructed as she watched her friend descend into the build through her binoculars.

"Chill out Angel, I'm fine." The blonde whispered back as she climbed down the rafters inside the building. Slowly Deanna crawled into the facility's vents and made her way quickly and silently through them. She continued going until she reached the correct room.

Pushing the vent cover hard Mockingbird pride it from the fall and caught it before it hit the ground. Carefully the blonde got out of the vent, placed the cover on the floor and made her way to the computer. As she pressed power button the computer screen lit up instantly.

There was no password, no screen saver and no files on the database. "Bomb planted, phase four complete." Agent Cole spoke up.

"Good work Agent." Bethany replied. "Mockingbird."

"Get out of the facility, I'm on my way out!" Deanna commanded. "Snipers off the roof!"

"The files Mockingbird, what about the files?" Bethany asked as the blonde made her way back into the vents and towards the rafters.

"There aren't any files Angel." Deanna replied, grabbing the first rafter and pulling her self onto it, balancing on her feet before continuing to climb upwards. "They knew we were coming, they've whipped everything."

"That's why there were no Agents in the corridors, only on the roof." Another Agent spoke up. Deanna climbed out back into the roof before running to the edge and skilfully jumping down. Steadily she landed on a ledge below before jumping again, only to land on another ledge.

She continued this move util she hit the floor and made a run towards the abandoned house Angel was waiting on top of. "Blow it!" The brunette demanded as her friend climbed onto the roof with hardly any effort. The pair watched as the HYDRA facility exploded and went up in flames.

Sighing Deanna threw the empty memory stick up into the air before catching it. She repeated this several times over as she waited for Bethany to pack away her sniper. "Unit one, unit two?" The blonde questioned down her ear piece. "Are you at the meeting point?"

"All twenty five of us safe and waiting for evacuation!" A completely different Agents replied.

"We're on our way." Bethany replied, standing to her feet. Deanna placed the memory stick in her pocket and followed the other prodigy off the roof and towards the meeting point. The pair walked in silence, neither having much to say and both disappointed at the potential failed mission.



The final book in the series! Looking forward to it? I am!

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