Chapter 43: Better not come back dead

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Bethany's P.O.V

After showering and changing into some leggings and a top I made my way back to the lab, where everyone still was waiting for Fury to arrive and De to wake back up. "You okay?" Steve asked pretty much as soon as I entered the room, making me jump slightly for I was in my own thoughts.

"I'm fine, a little bruised but okay." I replied.

"So what's this about another HYDRA attack?" Fury's voice asked as he waltzed into the room moments after I took a seat. "And what's wrong with Agent Chalmers?"

"Agent Chalmers was stabbed in the right thigh while fighting off a group of HYDRA Agents at a gala." Clint replied bitterly. "They know where we are, they're tracking us."

"So they attacked while you were out?" Fury questioned.

"They knew we didn't have out weapons or suits." I replied, ignoring the questioned completely. "They know we're vulnerable, why else would they attack with a pocket knife?"

"The same reason the Winter Soldier did." A voice cracked behind me. "The reassertion hit them hard."

"Do you have to use dry humour at a time like this?" Bucky asked, turning round to face my blonde friend who was sitting up and rubbing her eyes like a small child did when they were tired.

"Just trying to lighten the mood." She grumbled back in response.

"You two done?" Fury snapped. Deanna huffed and folded her her arms as she stared at the Director. "Good now why was I called here?"

"You have to give us our weapons and suits back." Steve replied without hesitation.

"No you have been removed from the field until-"

"Until what?" I snapped, rising to my feet. "Until HYDRA kills one of us? I'm sorry Nick but if we don't do something now HYDRA, Adrienne, Loki and their son will over power us and we won't be able to do anything about it!"

"Agent Lloyd I do not appreciate your tone with me." Fury snapped.

"If we don't get our things back they will win! We will have no power against them and they will kill us all." I argued. "Director please just let us destroy the final major threat! Then you can have our suits and weapons as long as you want! But if we don't act there will be no one to give those things back to."

Nick looked at all of us slowly, his one eye flickering from one to another. None of us were ready to back down and he knew it. He also knew the threat was getting too big for his regular Agents to handle, anyone could see that. Was he really willing to risk more lives for something we can stop?

"Everyone needs to be up 6am sharp tomorrow." He order. "Your suits and weapons will be returned and you will have two hours to prepare before you get in a jet and head back to England." We all grinned at one another. "But none of you better come back dead, I'm disobeying my own rules for you."

With that he turned on his heels and strutted out. Once he was gone a figure dived into my back and squealed down my ear. "You did it!" Turning around I smiled at Deanna, who was standing up strongly.

"Strong pain medication?" I guessed.

"The best." She chuckled. "But I'm going need it for tomorrow." I chuckled.

"So, are we all ready for tomorrow?" I questioned.

"As ready as we'll ever be Ma'am." Steve bowed his head slightly.

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