Chapter 39: Removed from the field

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Bethany's P.O.V

The journey back to New York was a painfully quiet one expect us all introducing ourselves to Jane. You could tell just by the looks on everyone's faces that none of us wanted to face the Director, Deanna and I especially. Every possible situation ran through my head as we neared the tower.

"Ah Sir you're back." J.A.R.V.I.S' voice was the first thing to greet us when we arrived like always. However none of us were in the mood to talk so ignored the AI and continued on into the main living room; Fury was there waiting for us standing by the elevator.

As soon as we entered the tension rose causing me to wince slightly. "Long time no see." He began as he took slow stepped towards us all. Although Jane, Sam and Bucky had never really met Fury they stayed close to the group, obviously understanding the 'relationship' between us and our Director.

"Sir." Steve greeted stiffly, standing slightly closer to the dark skinned male that the rest of us. Me, Deanna, Sofia, Jane and Pepper seemed to be pushed behind everyone slightly, almost as if they were protecting us from the anger Fury was blatantly hiding behind his neutral face.

"You know when I heard my base had been blown up and all the Agents inside killed I was wondering what happened to my team and two prodigies." Fury said slowly, emotionlessly. "You all dropped off the grid, didn't hear anything and couldn't get a hold of anything."

His footfalls echoed around the room as he began to simply pace back and forth. "Then Agent Hill gets a phone call of Iron Patriot, claiming Miss Potts had gone missing and then told her that she was with you all somewhere in England. Not only that but you had company!"

His stare landed on Sam and Bucky who didn't seem fazed. "Now Angel, Mockingbird." My eyes narrowed slightly as Deanna tensed beside me. "Would you care to explain why over fifty Agents were blown up along with one of my bases?!" His voice rose slightly as he came to a halt.

"I gave you that responsibility under Agent Ingley's request! So you could finally destroy HYDRA and carry out her final mission! You told me nothing would go wrong, you had the Avengers and J.A.R.V.I.S on your side!" He yelled.

"Don't even bring Jamelah into this!" Deanna suddenly screamed from beside me, making me jump slightly. Her head was bowed to the floor, shoulders shaking and fists clenched.

"Don't." I warned.

"You think something like that would have got passed us easily?" She questioned with an empty voice. "Oh no this was your fault."

"What are you talking about?"

"You were the one who enlisted us the Agents." I explained, stepping forward and standing beside Steve. "One of those Agents was part of HYDRA. They planted the bomb form the inside, blowing themselves up along with everyone else in that room, this was on you."

"And as for the company." Bucky stated standing up straight. "They released me from the clutches of HYDRA."

"And I'm Steve's friend anyway." Sam added.

"And as for HYDRA before you ask." I began before Fury could open his mouth. "We have proof that Dark Moon and Loki are currently running the main base, that happens to be back in England. We're hot on their tails but saving Miss Potts and Miss Foster came first."

"We can stop them, but you're preventing us from doing so getting involved." Deanna growled.

"As of now none of you are working Agents or Avengers." Fury commented as if me and Deanna had never spoken. "Everyone but Mr Wilson with remain in this tower and will not be permitted to go on missions. Your weapons and suits will be taken from you until further notice."

"What?" Everyone yelled.

"But why does Sam leave if we all stay?" Bucky questioned.

"Because he isn't permitted in the tower Sargent Barnes and the only reason you are is because you are under supervision of S.H.E.I.L.D" Fury replied. "As for your suit Mr Wilson, that will also be taken from you." With that he turned on his heels and Agents swamped in, ready to take everything from us.

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