Chapter 2: The Agenda

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Deanna's P.O.V

Throwing my right arm out I caught Agent Steels advancing left hook, grabbing her first in my palm and wrapping my fingers over her knuckles. As the brunette tried to pull away my grip tightened and I my arm yanked back. She stumbled forwards until she was standing directly in front if me.

"Balance!" I scowled, letting her go and pushing her away slightly. Everyone else was gathered around us, including the Avengers and Bethany. They all watched closely as Agent Steel took a few steps away from me, her eyes wide and darting around the room at other Agents.

Agent Steel jumped back just as someone came up behind me, causing me to spin in my heels. My arms crossed across my face as Clint took a swing at me, hitting the centre of the cross. My stance didn't waver, expect my right leg sliding behind me to stop me for toppling over.

"Stance!" Bethany's voice began over head as Barton took another swing at me. "Stance is the best thing for balance, get your stance right and you shouldn't shift too much. There is a problem however." She paused for a moment as Clint finally changed his approach and sent a kick my way.

My posture and position didn't change as his left shin came into contact with my right hip. The force of the hit startled me slightly and my body shuddered a bit, yet I still didn't fall. The archer raised an eyebrow and tried again, this time on my other side, only to have the same result.

"What's the problem ma'am?" Agent Cole asked, standing tall just behind Clint.

"Everyone's stance is completely different, so finding yours is all down to you." Beth continued to explain. "We can't help you there but we can make them stronger once you find the starting stance, we can also help you determine your strongest." Another kick to the gut came just after.

"Kick me one more time Hawk and I swear to-" Clint cut me off my kicking my stomach yet again. Instantly my arms dropped and my hands grabbed his leg. Pulling hard I sent the archer crashing down to the ground before kneeling down and holding his neck down with my right forearm.

Every new Agent around me gasped as I held one of the top assassins down my his neck, hardly flinching from the force he was trying to escape with. "There's something we must remind you." I spoke, standing to my feet and pulling Clint up after me and nodding towards him.

"You are all currently operating under the names Bethany Lloyd and Deanna Chalmers." I rose my voice slightly. "So if you die its on our files under our names! We'd prefer if that didn't happen, we want all of you alive and well so you can have a life outside of this.

"It seems far fetched but we can keep you all alive if you follow our orders and remember the training we will put you through. This base is now also under our names until the threat if HYDRA is gone! Director Fury himself granted us this base and sent you to us!

"These next couple of weeks will be hard and we will push you to breaking point, but we do it with the best interests at heart. Bethany and I have been trained by the Avengers as well as HYDRA themselves so we are stronger than all of you combined, yet we don't seem it at first glance.

"You now work for us and if you refuse to cooperate you will be reported to Director Fury and we'd rather that didn't happen. Do you understand?" I asked, my hands clasps behind my back and head held high. "Do you understand?" I questioned again.

"Yes ma'am!" All the Agents exclaimed, jumping to attention. Looking towards Beth I nodded and let her continue.

"The main things that we will start with," Beth announced, once again walking around the inner side of the circle in a clockwise motion. "These things will be your base, your foundation, the beginning of your combat strength. Captain Rodgers." Steve stepped forward and nodded towards us both.

"Stance which will lead to balance. Defence which will stop any major injuries." Steve explained, his attitude changing into full Captain America mode.

"Believe it or not these two things are better than the attack you deliver itself." Natasha spoke up, also taking a step forward. "If you can defend yourself you will have a better chance if living."

"Stay alive and someone will come to your aid." Steve continued. "You'll be taught to stand tall and strong, unable to be moved by an attack." With that Clint decided it would be a good idea to kick me again, only succeeding in making my body sway slightly and my eyes to narrow.

"After that!" Bethany spoke up again as me and Clint began a full on fight, half playing and half out of my anger. "You will be trained to defend yourselves against punches, kicks, head butts and then knives."

"Only once you have mastered them will you be trained in attack itself, then simply starting with hand to hand before using a knife." Natasha finished off.

"Hawkeye! Mockingbird!" Bethany suddenly yelled, causing us both to stop and move away. "I swear to God you two should be realated." She murmured, simply causing me, Sofia and the Avengers to roll our eyes.

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