Chapter 27: Starting the Party

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Deanna's P.O.V

Friday had come and everything in the house was hectic. The guys had already gotten ready (we hadn't seen them yet) and we're currently downstairs preparing the last few things and inviting some early comers in. Tony had managed to find loads of people happy to come.

Funnily enough all the guys seemed fine with the idea, Steve and James especially. It was around five in the evening and Sofia, Bethany and I had piled into Natasha's and Clint's shared room to get ready. We had gone shopping earlier in the week to buy our outfits.

Unfortunately Pepper had to go back to D.C due to work calling. She couldn't get out of any of the meeting to our disappointment but she assured us it was fine. We had also had to advise her that if Fury got into contact to say she hasn't heard from us, since he doesn't know what happened to us after the explosion.

Once we were all ready we examined each other and ourselves making sure it was perfect. Nat was in a tight black and white dress with her hair curled tightly around her face and black heels on her feet. Her make-up was simple yet effective and made her eyes pop.

Sofia was in a simple green dress with white polka dots that were small yet covered the dress. She had green flats on her feet and her hair was also tightly curled. Bethany was in a black dress with elbow length sleeves. Her hair was tied at the base of her neck and black flats cover her feet.

As I looked in the mirror at myself I smiled. I was in a pink dress that had a few thin under layers that appeared when I spun. My hair was loosely curled and I had white wedged heels on my feet. (A/N: I know I'm not good at describing outfits but they're all at the top or side hopefully)

Nodding towards one another we all left the room one by one and went down stairs where 1940's music was drifting up the stairs. Nat went down first, closely followed by Sofia. Me and Beth hung at the top for a few moments, listening to the chatter and laughter.

"Ready?" The brunette asked with a sheepish grin.

"As ready as I'll ever be I guess." I shrugged, steeping down the first step. Beth but her hand on my shoulder which caused me to stop and look up at her.

"This is going to be interesting don't you think?" She questioned.

"Chill out and don't worry. If you get uncomfortable go find Steve and stay with him, I've already told him you might get a little anxiety." I assured her. "Unfortunately I'm going to have to socialise since Tony's told everyone we arranged it."

"Thank you." Beth replied with a smile. "This was really nice of you, you do know that right?"

"Put it this way." I grinned, taking her hand off my shoulder. "This is my way if welcoming James and I guess apologising to Steve in the process."

"That reminds me." Bethany stopped me again as I stepped down another step. "Why do you call him James and not Bucky?" Chuckling I shook my head and carried on down the stairs, leaving my friend at the top on her own. As I traveled down I noticed all the guys and smiled.

Thor was the first one I saw, he was dressed in his usual Asgardian attire without the cape and hammer (thankfully). Then my eyes caught Tony, Clint and Bruce together talking to a few guests. Their outfits made me almost double over and fall down the stairs, although they did rock the 1940's look.

All the suits were the same except the colour. Clint was in blue, Bruce was in brown and Tony was in grey. Tony had also added a hat to his, which didn't really surprise me. The last two men I spotted was the two who understood this era more than anyone else, even the history buff still upstairs.

Steve and Bucky were both dressed in their uniforms from their days back in the 40's. They both looked incredible smart and they were speaking to a dark skinned male dressed in a grey suit much like Tony's but without the hat. James however did have his military had on.

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