Chapter 1: New Agents

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Bethany's P.O.V

Silently, I watched from the corner of the training room as Deanna stood in the centre with Agent Samson, a new blonde Agent who had been assigned to help us take down HYDRA. Compared to my blonde friend he was a giant by that didn't seem to faze Deanna in the slightest.

The other Agents assigned under our names stood in a circle around the pair while the Avengers and Sofia stood by me. Every weapon we had at our disposal were set down in a separate training room, this one being used specifically for hand to hand combat, something that many of the Agents were lacking.

Everyone gasped as Deanna threw Agent Samson to the ground and held him there. The man spluttered and tried to escape the small blonde grasp, only to receive another harsh blow to his stomach, making him wheeze even more that before. Deanna simply jumped away from him.

"Do you understand?" My voice asked as I stepped away from the wall and towards the group. Each and every Agent turned to me and stayed silent, waiting for me to enter the centre of the circle. Agent Samson moved back and joined his fellow Agents while I turned to face Deanna.

"Do we understand what Angel?" A nervous Agent Steel questioned, raising her right hand slightly. The average height brunette was shaking slightly, her personality exactly the same as her voice. The poor girl didn't know a thing about fighting and was also one of our newer Agents.

"Put your hand down Agent." Deanna ordered, her own hands held tightly behind her back and feet shoulder width apart. "This isn't school anymore, nothing in a facility like that will have trained you for something like this."

"But in answer to your question." I continued, my feet moving me around the inner side of the circle in a clockwise motion. "Do you understand why we are in this room without weapons?"

"To fight?" Agent Cole asked. The ash haired male stood at about the same height as me, fairly short for his age and gender.

"To learn to fight." I corrected, coming to a pause in my walk. "It has become clear to me and Mockingbird that although you all advance in the art if weaponadary, you skills in hand to hand combat are weak in comparison."

"Yes, missions often have the leeway to use your weapons, however that isn't always the case. All to often Agents either run out of ammo, have their weapons snatched from them or the weapons get broken." Deanna continued, her voice clear to ensure everyone in the room heard her.

"In these moments enemies are often advancing towards you or are already into of you. At this point you cannot reclaim your weapon and the only option is to fight." As she finished her sentence I dived forward, hoping to catch her off guard and take her by surprise.

However my blonde friend must have heard me because her left arm zipped up to the side of her head, protecting it and blocking my attack. "If you cannot fight using hand to hand combat the enemy will get the upper hand." She explained, her elbow extending and her hand grasping my own elbow.

"If they manage to get the upper hand and you can't fight they won't hesitate to snap your necks." I continued, twisting my arm out of the blondes grasp and spinning her into a head lock. "What we must remember is we are up against HYDRA and they will not give you any thinking time."

"This training will help you in this type of situation." Deanna added, kicking both my shins before dropping to the floor and dragging me with her. She slid from my grasp and placed her combat covered boot gently on my chest, making sure not to crush me but keep me pinned.

"Time is limited in a fight, you must be able to react quickly and without a second thought." The blonde carried on, her foot never moving from my chest. "This type of training is the only type that you can us instinctively, and we are here to train you to act on your instincts."

Deanna then moved her foot and held her hand out, hauling me to my feet. Since being put in charge of this mission led otherwise by Agent Ingleys notes me and Deanna had changed quiet a bit. We had both claimed a lot of responsibility and often had little compassion in the field or training room.

Laughter was restricted to the Avengers tower, with the Avengers and Sofia. The S.H.E.I.LD. HQ that had became our HQ was no place for us to show sentiment or weakness. Fury had left the base mainly to us, J.A.R.V.I.S running it mostly thanks to Tony's agreement.

Pretty much everyone running the corridors followed our orders and if they didn't they were reported to Fury due to Mr Starks none bodied butler. Even the Avengers and Sofia followed our orders to a certain length, although we never made them do much unless in the field.



First chapter up! And I know the girls seem very different and that's because they are.
More will be explained in the next chapter, especially everything to do with all the Agents under their names.

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