Chapter 14: No new memories

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Deanna's P.O.V

My fists hit the punching bag at high speeds, the world around me blocked out by the ear phones blasting Olly Murs. I felt bad for yelling at Steve, he'd done nothing wrong and only wanted to help his friend. However I wasn't prepared to go and say sorry when I had a valuable point.

This was mine and Beth's job and the Winter Soldier was our prisoner. I understood why he wanted to help Sargent Barnes, I'd want to do the same with Beth but he was blind to the reality of the situation. James had been brainwashed hundreds of times and was just as old as Steve (just not in looks).

My memory at the age of nineteen was okay but not the best. I got by due to my training otherwise I'd be forgetting everything. Seventy years ago, I doubt my great grandmother would have remembered that far back when she was alive. That's a long time ago to remember.

I guess it was possible, I mean he can't remember what he does as the Winter Soldier after they brainwash him so he has no new memories. No new memories. Maybe we could help him! Spinning on my heels I sprinted towards the door, only got crash into someone else.

Ripping my ear phones from my ears I looked up to see who had sent me flying to the ground. To my surprise I found Steve standing there, with his hand out to help me up. Gingerly I took it and aloud him to pull me up, my phone still clutched in my left hand with the wire hanging down.

"Hi." I muttered, feeling slightly awkward.

"I've come to say sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you." He said, rubbing the back of his neck. A grin spread across my face and a giggle escaped my lips.

"Beth set you up to this didn't she?" I asked, causing him to nod and blush at the sound of my friends name. I giggled again. "It's okay, I'm sorry too. I was actually just coming to find you."

"You were?"

"Yeah because I was just thinking. They brainwash Sargent Barnes after every mission so he doesn't remember it right?" Steve nodded. "So that means he doesn't have any new memories. The into memories he will have will be from the 1940s."

"What are you saying?" The Super Soldier asked.

"I'm saying it might be possible to get him to remember. At the moment he's vulnerable because the brainwashings becoming weak, so we could trigger memories." I explained.

"You really think that could work?"

"Do we have any other choice if you want to get your friend back?" I retaliated. Steve shrugged and ran off, saying he was going to tell the others the plan while I packed up. Sighing I turned my music off and threw my phone into my training back along with the tape from my hands.

Zipping up the bag I sighed and sat down on the bench. If this didn't work there wasn't any other way we could possibly get him to remember. If he couldn't remember when he's vulnerable then he'd never remember. Not only that but if didn't work I'd feel terrible.

I had given Steve the idea, it was my idea. If it didn't work Steve would be de restated and it would be my fault. But I guess it was the best option we had; the option we had. Closing my eyes I took a deep breath before standing to my feet and throwing my bag strap over my shoulder.

Making my way through the base I smiled at the Agents that passed me, waving at a few in other offices. Once I was at the lockers I threw my bag into mine and slammed it shut. My mask sat on my forehead after being pulled off my eyes while I was training, something I always did.

With another sigh I pulled my hair from its plait and made my way back to the room everyone was gather in. As I walked in everyone was discussing different ways we could show Sargent Barnes the memories without giving him a chance to destroy them or us being in there.

We didn't have enough videos of him to do what they did to Beth and a photo book would be easy to destroy.



It's currently 23:55 and I'm exhausted but I needed to update these!

Anyway hope you're enjoying the drama the Winter Soldier is causing and don't forget to:

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