Chapter 6: Video footage

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Bethany's P.O.V

Sprinting towards the office my mind reeled at what someone could have taken. The answer to disabling J.A.R.V.I.S was obvious, they didn't want to be seen. However why they would ransack the office? There was nothing important in the office other than reports but, they didn't really hold much information.

Just as me and Steve reached the office Bruce and Sofia came round the corner, both of their faces showing the same amount of confusion as I was feeling. Slowly I pushed open the door as was met with an angry Deanna and an office that looked like a tornado had hit it.

Both mine and Deanna's desks had been upturned, the chairs thrown to the opposite side of the room, near the door. The table in the centre of the room had a split down the centre but hadn't been moved. Papers from the filing cabinets had been scattered around the room along with books from both mine and Deanna's book cases.

The book cases themselves hadn't been moved, the only things seemingly untouched in the destroyed room. Without a word me and Deanna walked over to our books cases and pulled them forward until they also hit the floor. "What are you doing?" Steve asked, raising an eyebrow at us both.

"Do you really think we'd keep the office the same way we got it?" I questioned, reaching out and pressing a button placed on the wall in perfect sync with Deanna. After a few moments the blinds shut completely and the door slammed shut, locking as it closed.

A projector then appeared and began playing footage of the inside of the room. "We planted our own cameras behind the book cases, hidden in a few old book covers we had." Deanna shrugged as she turned to watch the footage, arms folded and a scowl across her face.

"Oldest trick in the book but it obviously worked." I added. "Whoever did this must not have thought to check, this is a top secret organisation base."

"They're not expecting it to be controlled by a pair of teenagers." Deanna finished off as we all watched the screen closely. The video continued to play for several minuets until the door on the footage was pride open. Raising an eyebrow I lent on the centre table and waited.

Expertly a figure slipped into the room, hiding in the shadows and moving around slowly. "They knew what they were doing, they avoided all other cameras in the room." Steve spoke.

"That's why J.A.R.V.I.S couldn't alert anyone, he couldn't see them." Bruce added, his eyes lighting up with the thought. Me and Deanna exchanged looks with Sofia but stayed quiet.

"Angel, Mockingbird!" Natasha's voice suddenly rang out, making me jump slightly.

"What?" I asked in a whisper, trying to keep my voice down while the footage played.

"We have an intruder on the East side! He's in his way back to the centre!" The red head replied. Deanna looked up at me with emotionless grey eyes, showing she was ready for a fight.

"Who is it?" She questioned, her arms unfolding and hand grasping onto her bow. As I looked back up at the screen I gasped at the figure shown. The name of the figure slipped from my lips just as Black Widow replied;

"The Winter Soldier."

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