Chapter 47: The Drawing

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It had been three hours since the death of Dark Moon and disappearance of the son: Narfí. The Avengers and Winter Soldier had taken Loki back to S.H.E.I.L.D and reported back to Director Fury about the mission. The Director was relieved it was finally over and agreed to give the group some time off.

When they all returned to the tower and entered the main living room they all smiled warmly at the sight. Pepper Potts was sitting on one of the two sofas, her feet curled under her, heels on the floor and fashion magazine in hand, her eyes read lazily down the columns.

Jane Foster was at the other end of the same sofa, her feet still on the floor and an astrophysicist book lay open on her lap. Sofia Donald was sat on the second sofa alone, her legs stretched across the two seats and had a book on gamma rays held above her head.

Bethany Lloyd was lay back on the arm chair in the room, changed into some leggings and a t-shirt, her feet curled under her and and writing journal on her lap. The brunette still looked fearful as she wrote in the book rapidly, her pen making scratching sounds along the paper as she went.

Deanna Chalmers was lying on her stomach stretched out across the living room floor near Pepper and Jane. She too had changed clothes and was swinging her legs back and forth in the air. Her head was held up by her left hand while her right held a pencil, sketching something on the paper in front of her.

The five females were all silent, the only noise coming from the two teens equipment. "It's nice to see everyone relaxed." Steve spoke up, shattering the peacefulness of the tower. Pepper, Jane and Sofia all looked up from their books, Bethany stopped writing and Deanna's pencil paused in spot.

"I don't think relaxed is the correct word." Bethany spoke, slamming her journal shut. "Something like annoyed would be more appropriate."

"Why would you be annoyed?" Tony asked, walking over to the bar. "It's over, we defeated Adrienne and Loki."

"That's not the point Tony." Pepper sighed as Deanna began sketching once more in silence. "Think about it. The only way you won is because Dark Moon was killed by a Frost Giants weapon, the only reason Loki gave up is because his partner and son were gone."

"Are you saying we wouldn't have won if that hadn't have happened?" Tony questioned.

"How do you know what happened out on the battle field?" Thor asked.

"Beth and Deanna told us." Jane replied. "Don't worry Thor we weren't there."

"It's not like it hasn't been but all over every news channel either." Sofia replied, flicking on the TV to a news report. The reporter was English and talking into the camera while pointing behind her at the damaged street. All the destruction looked worse on a TV screen then it did in real life.

Sighing Deanna stood from her place on the floor, collected her paper and pencil before walking over to the TV and turning it off at the switch. Placing herself back in front of the TV the small blonde began to mess with the paper before sticking it to the black screen.

As the young girl moved away from the electrical and walked into the kitchen everyone else glanced at the picture. It was a large drawing in black and white, no colour could be seen. The drawing was of a group of people, hardly any other them looking the right way and them all laughing together.

In the picture Pepper and Tony were facing one another and laughing; Jane and Thor were holding hands and talking to different people; Natasha and Clint were leaning on each other back to back with smiles and closed eyes, looking relaxed for the first time in their careers.

Bruce and Sofia were talking to Jane, the younger woman leaning on Bruce's shoulders and grinning; Steve and Bucky were talking to Thor, their arms thrown around each other and smiling like old time. Sam was above them all in his Falcon gear, grinning and watching.

Bethany and Deanna were in the centre of the group, surrounded by everyone else. The two young girls were the only two looking straight ahead, small smiles on their faces. The brunette (in real life) female had her hands up in the shape of an 'A' while the blonde had her hands in the shape of a 'M'.

The groups itself was squashed into the shape of an 'A' as well, along with curvy writing at the side spelling 'Avengers'.

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