Chapter 37: Scotland

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Bethany's P.O.V

Three days later and we were all preparing to save Miss Potts from the clutches of HYDRA. Deanna and I had managed to get the hang of flying over the past few days but agreed to only use it in desperate circumstances. Everyone was now getting in as a team, working together with the addition of Falcon and Bucky.

Well not everyone was getting on. Deanna was still giving Bucky the silent treatment and often left the room if he walked in. It made it a little hard to train but we worked around it. Steve must have been waiting for one of us to snap because as soon as he got handed co-leader he's been reeling off orders, plans and tips like never before.

"Repeat the plan once more and I swear." Deanna grumbled as we all sat inside jet waiting to be dropped off in Scotland. It turned out the main base was actually in Birmingham but the base were they kept their prisoners was all the way up in chilly Scotland.

Although she wasn't trained in the field Sofia had also tagged along. The scientist was going to stay in the jet and watch the cameras while we all stormed the base and freed Tony's PA. The billionaire had been very ratty lately as well, not even a drink has calmed him down.

"Okay are we ready?!" Steve called when we landed half an hour after setting off. Everyone exchanged glances and nodded towards me and Steve.

"Let's go then and stick to the plan." I said as we exited the jet. "Keep in touch too, at least this time we all have ear pieces." With another group nod everyone scattered to their positions while me, Steve, Natasha and Bucky all made our way to the front entrance.

"The cameras are down. Angel, Cap, Romanoff, Barnes you are clear to move in." Sofia informed us.

"Got it, thanks." Natasha replied as she shot the two guards by the door. We entered slowly, but something seemed off. The corridors were silently, no guards patrolled. The cameras were down thanks to Sofia but apart from that everything seemed too- dead.

"Why are there no guards?" Sam's voice came through the coms. "There's no one around."

"Our mission is to find Miss Potts and get her out of here, if you come across any Agents they need to be shot down." Steve ordered as we advanced.

"This wasn't originally a HYDRA base." Clint murmured.

"What do you mean?" I questioned, pointing my gun around the corner and stepping out slowly after it.

"Before Nat was recruited S.H.E.I.L.D tried a base in the UK, the most remote part they could find as it was just a test. Turned out we didn't need it MI5 already had it covered." Clint explained.

"So this is an old S.H.E.I.L.D base?" Bucky asked.

"Yeah but that doesn't explain why it's so quiet." Clint replied.

"It's quiet far from any towns and villages." Bruce said, still in Human form.

"Indeed." Thor agreed.

"This isn't a working base." Deanna suddenly spoke. "This is HYDRAs prisoner. Think about it they don't need hundreds of people here if they only keep a few prisoners, if anything we'll encounter the Agents near where they're keeping Pepper and any other prisoners they have."

"Wow aren't you charming when you finally speak." Bucky grumbled. Deanna ignored him while Steve sent his friend daggers over my head.

"Look they can't be too-"

"Found them." Deanna suddenly cried before gun shots sounded from the east wing of the building.

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