Chapter 7: Chasing the Soldier

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Deanna's P.O.V

As soon as the name slipped from both Natasha's and Bethany's lips my mind automatically kicked into fight mode and my legs carried me quickly from the room, unlocking the door as I went. Without thinking about it too much I began relaying orders quickly.

"All Agents report to the three training rooms and stay there, none of you are dying at the hands of this assassin. Dr Banner, Miss Donald make sure all Agents are present, I don't want the Other Guy to make an appearance, Fury will have our heads if we destroyed the base.

"Everyone else get searching for the Winter Soldier, we need his exact location at all times. If you can lead him into conference room 4, J.A.R.V.I.S I want conference room 4 on complete lock down except the door unto the Winter Soldier enters." Several voice replied, agreeing with my orders.

Quickly my feet dashed up the flight of stairs leading to the East Wing door. However just before I reached the top Tony reported a change in the Soldiers direction, relaying that he was now making his was from the North Wing round to the West Wing, around the edge of the facility.

A small growl left my throat as I then jumped and gripped the rafters above the stairs. Pulling myself up I made my way along the thinnish beams, my body twisting in different directions in order to make it across safely and quietly. It was deathly still and deadly silent, even the ear piece line was quiet.

Suddenly the very assassin we were in search for ran under me, causing my eyes to widen slightly and a smirk to cross my lips. Jumping down I began my pursuit, sprinting to keep up with male. "I've got him." I said into my own ear piece, my breathing surprisingly steady.

"I'm currently in pursuit, we're on the fourth floor heading towards the South Wing stairs. He's just going to run us ragged, he knows what he's doing." Someone replied to my update but it didn't register in my mind as I jumped down several flights of stairs, leading down to the very bottom floor.

As I hit the bottom floor I hissed slightly, my feet landing hard on the metal floor. Shaking my head slightly I continued on after the brunette male, my feet pounding hard on the floor, burning slightly at the constant pressure. He was fast, but I knew the corridors better.

"Mockingbird? Mockingbird where are you?" Clint's voice drifted into my ear, he sounded panicked.

"South Wing, bottom floor, near the-" I cut myself off as I froze in place, my eyes wide. The Winter Soldier had turned around, a hand gun in his hand and aimed in between my eyes.

"Agent Chalmers?" Sofia asked gently.

"Mockingbird?" Steve.

"Deanna?" Beth's voice was the last one I heard before the Soldier reached forward with his metal arm and grabbed my arm. Gasping, I tried to escape his grasp but I knew it was futile, I was being held by his metal arm that was stronger than his other arm. Not only that but he was strong as it was.

As he held my arm tightly I bit my bottom lip in pain, preventing a scream from ripping its way out of my mouth. The Soldier stared at me for a moment, almost as if he was trying to remember something or work out who I was. Without a struggle I stared back at him, his lifeless gaze most likely matching my own.

Just then Steve, Bethany, Tony and Clint rounded the corner and froze in place at the situation. Narrowing his eyes the Winter Soldier twisted my arm, causing me to finally cry out in pain. The brunette pulled me to his chest, his metal still holding my arm that was now crossed over my chest.

Holding up the gun The Winter Soldier clicked off the safety and aimed it towards the group of four. I stood helplessly, not being able to move in the slightest as he pulled the trigger and the loud 'Bang' echoed around the small corridor. My eyes slammed closed instantly.


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