Chapter 40: Hot damn

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One week later

Deanna's P.O.V

The guys of the tower had disappeared leaving me, Beth, Natasha, Jane, Pepper and Sofia to our own devices. Currently we were all chilling in the kitchen talking and waiting for the brownies Pepper had made to come out of the oven. We had nothing else to do due to our lock down.

I was sitting on the counter with my legs cross underneath me, Pepper and Sofia were leaning up against the counter across from me while the other were sitting by the island in between us. Each of had a cup of tea or hot chocolate but they mostly went untouched as we giggled and debated.

"Okay so Star Trek or Star Wars?" Pepper asked.

"Both are a little unrealistic." Jane commented.

"Oh yeah and the fact that your dating a God who's brother is a crazed God, who's dating a woman with powers. We live with a billionaire with a metal suit, two super soldiers, a guy that loses control and turns into a huge rage monster and an master archer assassin." Natasha replied with a roll of her eyes.

"They do seem far fetched." Pepper agreed.

"Have you seen the life we live in? This is far fetched." Bethany also added.

"Well my names from Star Trek so I'm going with that!" I chirped.

"Is it?" Pepper asked.

"Yeah, Deanna Troi." I replied with a grin. (A/N: That's actually how I got my name, my dad is a fan of Star Trek. Fun fact for you all 😂)

"Isn't she like one of the few females?" Sofia asked me.

"Yeah, big bushy black hair, curly." I nodded, taking a sip from my hot chocolate.

"Nice." Natasha nodded.

"Would you rather get your period on a date or at the beach?" Jane asked, looking up from her phone. I wrinkled my nose at the thought of either.

"What sort of question is that?" Beth asked, obviously thinking the same as me.

"I don't know, it's just some site with would you rather questions on." Jane shrugged.

"At the beach." Pepper suddenly answered. "You could go straight home and have no question you, whereas on a date you have to stay. It would be a bit rude to leave your date."

"Not if you have things with you." Sofia commented.

"Either way it would be horrible." My brunette friend shuddered.

"Depends on if I had stuff and where I was on the date." Natasha said.

"Well a dates a date Tasha. And besides when does Clint ever take you on a date? You're married he doesn't have to." I spoke with a raised eyebrow. Suddenly Tony came strutting into the room wearing a black three piece tux, complete with a black bow tie and shining shoes, the works.

"Where are you going?" Pepper asked.

"We are all going out for a night in some of the best and posh bars around here." Tony replied in a posh accent.

"Mocking our British accent are we Mr Stark?" Bethany asked as I looked down at my phone to check my Facebook quickly. Then all I heard was a gasp from Sofia and Jane.

"What?" I asked, my head snapping up quickly. I followed their line of sight along with Beth and gasped left our mouths involuntarily. The rest of the male population in the tower were all standing near the door dressed pretty much the same as Tony. All jazzed up and ready for a posh night out.

My eyes scanned over them all but lingered a little longer than they should have on James. His metal arm and been hidden well, his metal fingers covered by a snazzy pair of gloves he had on and a jazzed up cane he was leaning on every so slightly. Snapping out of my little daydream I looked back to my phone.

"Well have fun!" Sofia called.

"But not too much, only three of you are single!" Natasha yelled after them. We all watched them leave and then sat in silence for a while. We waited until Pepper saw the limo Tony had ordered leave before anyone said anything. Just to be sure we stayed quite for around ten minuets, it was me that broke the silence.

"Hot Damn!" I exclaimed, giggling slightly from my spot on the counter.

"They looked proper smart and dapper didn't they?" Beth asked laughing along with me.

"Even Thor rocked the look." Jane said with a smile. We continued to talk about what we had just witnessed until l spotted something moving out of the corner of my eye. There was a new camera in the corner of the room, turning slightly every so often to watch us all better, a smirk crossed my lips.

"You know what?" I announced. "Let's go shopping tomorrow, girls day out. I happen to know a big event going to tomorrow evening, ball gowns the works. Let's go get a dress each, get ready then go. The guys have had a boys night out, so we'll have a girls night out in return." They all looked at me.

Slowly I cast my eyes over to the new camera, without making it obvious. They all nodded softly. "Sure lets do that." Beth agreed.

"Yeah more girl time, they'd be fun." Sofia added.

"We can get completely dolled up!" Pepper exclaimed.

"Big parties, big dresses, big night." Jane nodded in approval.

"Who's paying for all this?" Natasha asked with a sly wink my way.

"Tony can, he payed for the guys surely." Pepper replied.

"It's settled then. Let's hire a party bus instead of a limo." Sofia chirped.

"Yes!" Bethany laughed. I giggled along with the girls and slowly pulled a knife from the draw under me. Once I had in grasped in my hand I nodded to the others who stopped laughing. We all turned to the camera and looked straight at it, it instantly stopped moving and I could only imagine the guys faces behind the screen.

"Hot damn boys." I cooed before throwing the knife and destroying the hidden camera. "Oh and by the way we are defiantly doing that. Let's knock the men off their feet."

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