{Chapter One}

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Small little feet padded across the street in a hurry to get away from the angry mob that's chasing him, to end what the fourth started. Looking behind me, to see how far behind me was the mob, but ended up running into a drunken shinobi that was in front of me. "There you are brat." sneered the smirking, drunk, shinobi that kicked me square into my stomach. The villagers took that as an opening to grab me and start their beating lesson on me while I thought, 'It's okay. I can go home soon. The pain will be over soon.', but unknown to myself of how wrong I have been when a kuni was thrusted against my arm; a blood curdling scream was drawn from my lips. "Haha. This is what you get for all those deaths, DEMON!", yells out a man within the crowd that surrounded me; with a knife he walked over to me and wrote a word into my chest, sneering out names that made tears stream down my whiskered cheeks. 'It's okay. It will be over soon. Just a little longer.', chanting that over and over until finally the assault stopped with one final sneer from someone; that was my cue to go home.

{at the hokage's tower after Naruto cleaned himself up}

Wolf stood quietly beside my desk as Naruto waited for me to say something. 'Mmm. Something isn't right here. Now why is Naruto so quiet right now? What happened to him?', I asked myself as I observed Naruto's strange behavior. Finally I smiled and said, "Well Naruto, I summoned you here because I have something to give you." I watched closely as Naruto's face lit up like it always does with that contagious bright ear splitting smile. "WHAT IS IT?! I WANNA SEE IT, OLD MAN!", Naruto shouted up at me earning a chuckle from wolf that also got a blush from Naruto."Mmm. Very well Naruto.", I gave Naruto his birthday gift and a slice of cake afterwards wolf took the tired boy home. 'Mmm. Naruto what are you hiding from us?'

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